September 8, 2024
March 15, 2020

Resources for Nonprofits Facing COVID-19

Resources for Nonprofits in Communities Facing Coronavirus is based, in part, on directives made this week by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention.  At this point, we still have more questions than answers about coronavirus. However, regardless of how your charity’s operations are ultimately affected here’s what the CDC has to say NOW about how we should be operating. Please download the CDC’s most recent resource by clicking the link below: Implementation of Mitigation Strategies […]
March 15, 2020

Charitable Fundraising During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Fundraising During The Coronavirus Pandemic has been written by Mal Warwick to provide you concrete steps that will guide you through times like these. For starters, let’s agree that panicking and crawling into a hole because of the coronavirus is not a reasonable option. Business goes on, whatever the economic conditions. You can’t not raise funds. You can’t treat loyal and responsive donors like statistics. And you can’t stop building your donor database. If you […]
March 21, 2020

5 Ways to Get Parents Involved in School Fundraisers

As a general trend over the past several years, public schools have seen repeated budget cuts at the federal, state and local levels. Nonetheless, school needs are as great as ever. Budget shortfalls often lead to fewer extracurricular opportunities, outdated educational materials, and teachers providing their own supplies out of pocket. To help prevent these issues, many schools and PTA groups have placed an increased focus on raising revenue through school-wide fundraisers. Many schools decide […]
March 28, 2020

10 Nonprofit Marketing Experts’ Best Fundraising Strategies

Marketing and fundraising at a nonprofit is tough.  You’ve got a tight budget, a small team, a handful of tools, high expectations, and lots of people who want your organization to succeed.  Right now you’re likely dealing with a major crisis ― your most important fundraisers have been canceled or shifted online, you’re managing a remote team now, board members are growing concerned and the community you serve still needs your help.  On top of […]