April 27, 2024
January 9, 2018

What Tax Reform Means for Charity: more Money, Money, Money

What Tax Reform Means for Charity: more Money, Money, Money. The recently passed “Tax Cuts & Jobs Act” bill (which I have read in its entirety) is the greatest thing to happen to nonprofits in three decades. Especially for organizations who rely on MONEY to underwrite their programs. Consider the old adage, “there are things in life that are more important than money”, is about as silly as saying “there are things in life that are more important than […]
January 27, 2018

Tax Reform And Your Charity. What’s Really Happening? – Michael Rosen

Tax Reform, Charitable Giving & Your Nonprofit. I’ve got good news for charities considering the implications of the recently signed “Tax Cut & Jobs Act” bill. The Tax Foundation’s Center for Federal Tax Policy projects that tax reform will grow the economy making more money available for giving; reduce taxes increasing disposable income; increase wages generating more disposable income; and create hundreds-of-thousands more jobs. Why is this good for nonprofits? It’s simple, when people have more personal income, […]
March 16, 2018

February’s Job Report – 313,000 Jobs Boost U.S. Economy – RAISE MONEY NOW – Jimmy LaRose

MONEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MISSION (OR MINISTRY)! Jimmy LaRose forecasts FINANCIAL BOOM for nonprofits everywhere. Last month I wrote an article titled, What Tax Reform Means for Charity: MORE MONEY, MONEY, MONEY and predicted that the Tax Cut & Jobs Act would grow the economy; reduce taxes;
May 6, 2018

Is There a Secret Reason AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals) Is Hating On Donors?

Association of Fundraising Professionals is selling snake-oil again. Except this time their new product line includes accusations against donors, philanthropists, corporate execs and foundation execs of sexual misconduct. IT BOGGLES THE MIND. Can you believe it, or am I the only one that’s flabbergasted?