July 27, 2024
February 24, 2018

[INFOGRAPHIC] The Elements of Effective Storytelling

Storytelling is such an important feature for those looking at new ways to market themselves. And for nonprofits, the opportunity to build a donor base using stories is evergreen. Let’s look at how you can take advantage of effective storytelling. In 2015 and 2016, the minds behind the annual giving holiday #GivingTuesday created #MyGivingStory, a campaign that aims to raise awareness by using storytelling as a marketing tactic. Project organizers analyzed the results from the […]
February 26, 2018

Want to Keep Your Donors? Then Answer These Unspoken Questions

The days of the seemingly infinite pool of new donors available to quickly and inexpensively replace those who have stopped their support are long gone. Today, as more and more donors abandon ship, the cost of replacing them has grown so great as to be no longer affordable for most nonprofits. 
February 27, 2018

Step Away From the Plaque (And Get to Know Your Donors)

Recently, I found myself in a development team meeting with an age-old topic on the agenda: the annual stewardship plan. Our team leader for this meeting kicked off the conversation with a question: What would be the perfect stewardship piece to deliver to top donors this year? I listened for a moment as other members of the team began to share ideas and reminders of items used in past years. And then it hit me. […]
February 27, 2018

Bitcoin: What Nonprofits Need to Know and How It Might Give Your Fundraising a Competitive Advantage

Bitcoin news has been everywhere in recent months. With so much buzz around this relatively new way to pay, it’s important to know how it works, and to think about whether your nonprofit should be either accepting donations in bitcoin, or indeed actively targeting successful Bitcoin investors.  So, what exactly is Bitcoin, and how might it impact your nonprofit’s fundraising?