Inside Charity
712 H Street NE Suite 1149
Washington, DC 20002
[email protected]
(800) 257-6670
Senior Editor: Kathleen Robinson, PhD., CNE, CDE, CNC
To contact Kathleen Robinson email: [email protected]
About Inside Charity
Inside Charity curates news from respected nonprofit media outlets so sector leaders have a ONE-STOP NONPROFIT NEWS RESOURCE they can rely on to:
1. Access the millions of dollars available to charities who accomplish significant impact.
2. Know the value of increasing the monies they invest in staff and administrative salaries.
3. Comprehend what public & private sector donors really want from nonprofits.
4. Restructure their Boards in ways that attract large financial investments.
5. Discard the "best practices" and "ethical codes" that failed our sector decades ago.
6. Receive everything they need to achieve their "heroic mission of scale."
Why is Inside Charity America’s “Trusted” Nonprofit News Source? First, we speak and act honestly. We are open and factual in our dealings with readers, donors, project partners, governments, sector leaders and interested publics. Second, we are not compromised by AD revenues from for-profit corporations who sell products to nonprofits they don’t need or don’t work. Third, we disallow self-promoting individuals to write articles rooted in opinion instead of journalistic work. Finally, we are straightforward in highlighting associations, networks, media outlets and intermediary organizations that need to change the way they pursue impact, sustainability and mission. Inside Charity curates news from respected nonprofit media outlets and thought-leaders within the charitable sphere. We do this so sector leaders have a one-stop news source on which they can rely. Inside Charity is truly America’s Trusted Nonprofit News Source.
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Inside Charity print content and online content is published by Inside Charity, 712 H Street NE Suite 1149, Washington, D.C. (800) 257-6670. Copyright © 2018. No part of this publication may be reprinted without permission. Article reprint permissions are available by emailing [email protected]
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