July 26, 2024
June 4, 2021

3 Ways Businesses Can Maximize Their Nonprofit Sponsorship Agreements

Nonprofits still need support to carry out their mission, perhaps more than ever. Your business values the work of nonprofits and the ability to align with their mission. Sponsorship, at its best, is a win-win-win scenario. It’s one where benefiting organizations, sponsoring business, and—ideally greatest of all—the community being served all win. That said, there are a few ways we can improve on this good thing. Here are some ways you can maximize your nonprofit […]
June 4, 2021

6 Summer Fundraiser Ideas for 2021

Is your organization in the process of planning a summer fundraiser? While fundraising during COVID times seems challenging, having an engaging and accessible event is still possible. Plenty of options are available—from outdoor events to virtual fun. Many traditional fundraisers can also be tailored and still work with social distancing. Here are six pandemic-friendly fundraiser ideas for summer 2021. Digital scavenger hunt  If you’re tired of traditional summer fundraisers but want something that’s flexible and […]
June 9, 2021

What is a Vision Statement? Why Nonprofits Need Them

Does your organization have a vision statement or vision in mind? One of the greatest dangers facing nonprofits is not economic, generational, or even legal…it’s the gradual drift into complacency. The work becomes a collection of tasks rather than a force for good. It’s the same for any industry or profession, but in the field of cause work, the risk and potential loss are significant because the risk is shared not only by the organization’s […]
June 11, 2021

9 Things Every Nonprofit Startup Needs To Know

This blog was sponsored by BryteBridge Starting a nonprofit organization is a rewarding experience. Nonprofits meet the needs of underserved populations and ensure no one goes without essential services. But starting a business of any kind, especially a nonprofit, requires planning and preparation. Here are nine things every nonprofit startup needs to know. 1. You Can’t Do This Alone Every nonprofit organization requires at least three unrelated board members. While you might want to do […]