September 13, 2024
October 15, 2018

National Giving Month: December Giving Makes Us Human

In a recent interview I had with Jimmy LaRose, head of the National Giving Month Initiative, LaRose shared , “Did you know that neither Congress nor the Executive Branch has officially dedicated any of our twelve months to acts of volunteerism or charitable giving? December provides us a very special opportunity to celebrate those individuals, groups and organizations who invest their lives in charity.” I agree with Jimmy and share his belief that nonprofits provide […]
April 2, 2019

Tracy Ebarb Receives NANOE’s Lifetime Achievement Award

Tracy Ebarb is this year’s recipient of NANOE’s 2019 Kathleen Robinson Lifetime Achievement Award.  Tracy is the International Director of the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives (NANOE) headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has spent his entire career working to improve charitable capacity-building and the changing philanthropic landscape. The Kathleen Robinson Life Achievement Award is issued to a NANOE member who has met two important criteria. First, the recipient has demonstrated a life-time commitment to building […]
September 7, 2019

Nonprofits Fail – Here’s Seven Reasons Why – Tracy Ebarb

Why Do Nonprofits Fail? Does it seem a bit crowded in here? A few years ago, during his presidential campaign, Dr. Ben Carson made the statement that 90% of nonprofits fail within a few years.  While Dr. Carson’s statement was largely hyperbole, it did call to attention the alarming rate of both nonprofit failure and ineffectiveness. The real data from National Center on Charitable Statistics reveals that approximately 30% of nonprofits fail to exist after […]
October 16, 2019

CFRE vs. NANOE – Which Credential Benefits Me Most?

CFRE vs. NANOE Credentialing…What’s the Difference is Alexis India Alm’s take on industry credentialing organizations who serve the charitable sector. Here’s what this celebrated fundraising veteran has to share about her experiences in nonprofit continuing education: I’m a champion of both CFRE and NANOE. My affiliations with these professional organizations demonstrate my commitment to lifetime learning and adult continuing education. I’ve spent my vocational career listening to our industry leaders and embracing their content offerings. […]