October 3, 2024

6 Keys to Major Gifts Fundraising After a Disaster

6 Keys to Major Gifts Fundraising After a Disaster looks at the ways you can aid your community after a disaster has struck. We have been praying for those affected by Hurricane Helene.  The lives lost, property devastation, and suffering feels overwhelming. Yet, there is hope. Thousands of people and organizations are working together to pour assistance into the lives of people left in the wake of Helene. In the same way we see images […]
September 12, 2024

Habitat for Humanity & Major Gifts Ramp-Up

Habitat for Humanity & Major Gifts Ramp-Up is author and veteran fundraiser Louis Fawcett’s take on how local Habitat programs supercharge their mission using Major Gifts Ramp-Up. Here’s what Fawcett has to share: Is God calling you to re-imagine your Habitat? I don’t know about you, but every time I hear the story of Moses, I think about the call God has placed on my life. You see, the story of Moses is about all […]
September 7, 2024

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Controversy – The Emperor Has No Clothes

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Controversy – The Emperor Has No Clothes takes a look at charity’s brokenness and the solutions nonprofits must deploy to end the crazy-making. Major Gifts Ramp-Up (MGRU) is not nonprofit management 101. Rather, it is for seasoned c-suite executives who dare to confront this train wreck we call charity. It is a tightly facilitated 2-day session that uses an “emperor has no clothes” approach that celebrates participants’ convictions. MGRU relies on the […]
August 20, 2024


Kathleen Robinson’s RE-IMAGINING NONPROFIT GOVERNANCE provides charitable leaders an opportunity to tackle one of charity’s biggest obstacles…PEOPLE! Read below an introduction to her forthcoming 150 plus page written work of the same name to be published by NANOE in 2025. Here’s a first look at Dr. Robinson’s insights into organizational oversight: Effective governance can empower leaders and staff to higher productivity, worker satisfaction, board and staff engagement, greater customer satisfaction with services, and significant positive […]
August 20, 2024

How to Score Your First And Next Million Dollar Gift

Jim Eskin’s How To Score Your First Or Next Million-Dollar Gift is a must read for staff, board members and volunteers responsible for raising charitable gifts. Jim says, “The average organization leaves 90% of dollars behind without a robust major gift fundraising program”. Plus, he’s a great guy and a true friend to charity! ~ Jimmy LaRose, NANOE Here’s what the author has to share about his latest work: I vividly recall my late mother […]
June 11, 2024

CFRE vs. NANOE Credentials: Why I Have Both!

CFRE vs. NANOE Credentialing…What’s the Difference is Alexis India Alm’s take on industry credentialing organizations who serve the charitable sector. Here’s what this celebrated fundraising veteran has to share about her experiences in nonprofit continuing education: I’m a champion of both CFRE and NANOE. My affiliations with these professional organizations demonstrate my commitment to lifetime learning and adult continuing education. I’ve spent my vocational career listening to our industry leaders and embracing their content offerings. […]
June 11, 2024

Nonprofit Boards Are Broken for Good – New Film

Nonprofit Boards Are Broken for Good – New Film Reel is a sneak peek at CineVantage’s newest footage of BROKEN FOR GOOD: The Way Charity Works in The United States of America. Honnie Korngold premiered the above clip at NANOE’s Board of Governors’ Convention & Expo. It was received by the audience with applause and rave reviews! Humorist Mark Twain’s famously said, “God first made idiots (that was for practice) then He made…Boards!”  After spending […]
May 11, 2024

Community Foundations: Are They Just Another Savings Account for The Rich?

Community Foundations: Are They Just Another Savings Account for The Rich? You won’t want to miss author Louis Fawcett’s take on the misuse of Donor Advised Funds. Read about the billions of charitable dollars that are being mismanaged in your community in RE-IMAGINING NONPROFITS. Did you know that more than $150 billion dollars are held under management in Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)?  This means these monies are tied up in investment accounts rather than being […]
April 20, 2024

Is Strategic Planning a Nonprofit Consulting Scam?

Is Strategic Planning a Nonprofit Consulting Scam is one truth-teller’s take on why charity is in a perpetual state of mediocrity. Here’s what Jimmy LaRose has to share about charitable executives, board members, consultants and their failed attempt at strategic planning: How do I know Strategic Planning is a Nonprofit Consulting Scam? Because I used to do it! I promise you, I was sincere when I first led charities through this process but after 10 years […]
February 27, 2024

MacKenzie Scott – Why Did She Just Sell 1/4 of Her Stake in Amazon?

MacKenzie Scott – Why Did She Just Sell 1/4 of Her Stake in Amazon demystifies philanthropy and points charitable leaders to a online resource that celebrates a little known fact that “Billionaires Are People Too!”  I’ll answer the question about MacKenzie Scott’s latest move shortly. Here’s the better question. Are you in the charitable C-Suite? If you are, when’s the last time you visited THE GIVING PLEDGE? (That’s where you’ll find out why MacKenzie turned her […]
September 14, 2024

Eskin Fundraising Training’s Learning Community

Eskin Fundraising Training’s Learning Community celebrates decades of education and inspiration for fundraising executives across the Nation. Let’s hear from the founder, Jim Eskin. From the very start of our fundraising training/consulting practice, Eskin Fundraising Training, LLC, we’ve embraced the power of a “learning community.” This recognizes that no single person has all the answers (I certainly don’t), but within the room — physical or virtual — almost any question can be answered. This is all about […]
September 13, 2024

Vicki Burkhart’s Case for Investing in Nonprofit Operations

Vicki Burkhart’s Case for Investing in Nonprofit Operations is a solution for getting the infrastructure you need to achieve the results you want in your organization. Earlier this year, S&P Global reported that “The median ratio of operating expenses compared to total revenues for companies rated BBB- or higher rose to 83.7% in the fourth quarter of 2023 from 82.2% in the third quarter.” I can almost hear the gasps of my nonprofit colleagues reading […]
August 27, 2024

Growing a Healthy House of Worship w Linda Lysakowski

Growing a Healthy House of Worship w Linda Lysakowski is America’s Fundraiser take on how to build financial capacity at local church ministries. Here’s what she has to share: I know it might be difficult for you, as clergy to think about the practical side of your ministries; after all, you have a calling to bring people to a relationship with God, Allah, or a higher power of some kind. However, every calling requires some […]
July 1, 2024

United Way CEOs That Thrive & Raise Millions

United Way CEOs That Thrive & Raise Millions may be the most important UNITED WAY CAPACITY-BUILDING VIDEO you ever watch (press play button above)! It will challenge everything you believe about United Way and the way you generate income. VISIT HERE TO JOIN US FOR A UNITED WAY MAJOR GIFTS RAMP-UP CAMPAIGN EVENT Here’s the OLD NEWS – we all know that workplace campaigns no longer fill the funding gaps needed in our communities. Here’s […]
June 7, 2024

Linda Lysakowski is America’s Fundraiser

Linda Lysakowski is America’s Fundraiser is an understatement. This fundraising veteran has dedicated her life to saving and transforming lives because of the way she has lived her life. “Love for what?” you may ask. First, her love for the Lord. Second, her love of nonprofit leaders. It was the early 1990s when I launched my journey with a goal of becoming our nation’s most successful fundraiser. I was 23 years old and made a […]
May 16, 2024

Jim Eskin’s Guide to Successful Mentorship

Jim Eskin’s Guide to Successful Mentorship looks at the win-win relationship between the mentor and the mentee. Mentoring is a word that is loosely tossed around, and just about everyone encourages it. Large organizations strategically invest in formal programs that match senior with junior employees. Undeniably, mentors are worth their weight in gold. Typically, the enrichment is viewed through the lens of the mentee. After 40 years in the workplace, I now have a profound […]
February 23, 2024

Jim Eskin Says, “We Don’t Need More Nonprofits!”

Jim Eskin Says, “We Don’t Need More Nonprofits!” is an honest take on the state of the charitable sector. Let’s hear what this fundraising veteran has to share: I can proudly declare that it would be difficult to find anyone who more deeply than myself appreciates the selfless gifts of time, talent and treasure from men and women who fuel our nation’s nonprofits, and in doing so, advance noble missions that touch, improve and save […]
February 9, 2024

Naomi Johnson’s Blueprint to Empowering Vulnerable Children

Naomi Johnson’s Blueprint to Empowering Vulnerable Children takes a look into multiple ways we can help give vulnerable, underserved children a brighter future. In the tapestry of global challenges, the well-being of vulnerable children remains a pivotal concern. This comprehensive InsideCharity guide focuses on actionable strategies that individuals, educational bodies, businesses, and non-governmental organizations can implement to uplift and empower these young individuals. This article sets forth a blueprint for nurturing a brighter future for vulnerable […]
December 11, 2023

Zareen Roohi Ahmed Brings Gift Wellness Products to Market

Zareen Roohi Ahmed Brings Gift Wellness Products to Market is an excerpt from her book “The Gift” telling the story of her journey to getting Gift Wellness products on store shelves. Following the Allergy & Free From Show in 2013 I made contact with a buyer from a well-known health-food chain who had given me her business card during the exhibition. Upon reaching out, I was asked by the buyer’s personal assistant to submit an […]
November 29, 2023

Project STEP and Longwood Symphony Orchestra: Impact Through Harmony

Project STEP and Longwood Symphony Orchestra (LSO): Impact Through Harmony is an inside look at the partnership between two Boston based organizations working together to bring collaborative concerts to the Greater Boston community. Partnerships are abundant throughout Massachusetts. Take, for example, the joint endeavors of the Jimmy Fund and Boston Red Sox, who since 1953 have combined to support cancer research efforts at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Or two regional beverage favorites – Dunkin’ and Harpoon […]

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