September 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

[PODCAST] Avoiding Random Acts of Marketing – Lindsay LaShell

Avoiding Random Acts of Marketing – Lindsay LaShell Are all of your marketing efforts worth the time and money you pour into them? How do you get the best results from your marketing campaigns and optimize the use of your resources? Learn how to break through the dead-ends of ineffective and unproductive marketing that does not benefit your organization and saps you of time and money that you could be using elsewhere. On this episode, […]
June 13, 2024

How to Leverage Technology to Streamline Nonprofit Finance

It’s practically impossible for any business or organization in any industry to thrive without the use of technology. As technology becomes more advanced and the world becomes more reliant on these systems to stay connected, integrating tech features into your nonprofit is almost a requirement for success.  Nonprofit organizations can use technology to improve their efficiency, expand their reach, and make their existing financial processes more effective. You don’t need to have a dedicated IT […]
June 14, 2024

[PODCAST] Humanizing Your Message with Influencer Marketing – Ryan Davis and Mel

Humanizing Your Message with Influencer Marketing – Ryan Davis and Mel Has your social media content felt repetitive and robotic lately? Are you and your organization looking for a way to refresh your social media content and maximize your social media presence? Influencer marketing may be the refreshment that your social media pages need. Learn how to humanize your message by tapping into the potential of social media influencers who have audiences that are interested […]
June 14, 2024

Stakeholder Engagement Matrix Template

Stakeholder Engagement Matrix Template Here’s What You’ll Learn Every organization has stakeholders—people and organizations that have a stake in your success can impact your ability to achieve your goals and are key to growth.   Download this five-step template for success. Define Your Objective Identify Your Stakeholders Prioritize Your Stakeholders with a Matrix Assemble Your Toolkit Outline Your Game Plan Become a Member Whether you’re with a large team or a solo entrepreneur looking to […]