March 10, 2025
October 14, 2021

A Late Start Doesn’t Have to Mean Low ROI on #GivingTuesday

Late start on #GivingTuesday Planning? No worries. We have a guide that will help you maximize the days remaining until November 30th. Before we get started though, take a minute to look at the value of this pseudo-holiday to your organization. Undoubtedly, every nonprofit should be participating to some degree in #GivingTuesday. The movement raised nearly 2.5B in 2020 alone and the potential for matching funds is ubiquitous with #GivingTuesday. That said, the greatest return […]
October 15, 2021

[PODCAST] The Recipe for Winning Virtual Meetings

Do you ever find yourself saying, “This should’ve been an email,” in your team’s virtual meetings? You’re not alone. We’re all engaging in more virtual events and meeting these days and the “Zoom Fatigue” is real. There are also a lot of great benefits of our virtual lifestyles, i.e., increased diversity and accessibility, less travel, and efficiency. Heather Burright of Skillmasters Market walks us through three easy-to-understand components of winning virtual training and meetings. Are […]
October 19, 2021

How to Create a Nonprofit Business Plan

Could your organization use a nonprofit business plan? The answer is yes. Although the nonprofit sector doesn’t always work like the for-profit world and you might not think of your nonprofit as a business, having a business plan can boost your growth and support.  The most important thing to remember is that your nonprofit needs to be unique so it stands out from other nonprofits. Secondly, you want to convey the value that those who […]
October 21, 2021

Ten Giving Ideas More Creative Than Cash

We’re approaching the most critical fundraising season for nonprofits. A lump sum cash donation with no designation would probably make your year-end giving dreams come true. But the reality is that the last year and a half has left many individuals and donors facing financial challenges and uncertainties. It’s important to not lose connection with those who have a desire to support your mission but not the cash to do so anymore. Plus, those who […]