February 13, 2025
December 7, 2020

3 Fundraising Emails You Need to Send the Last Week of the Year

P.S. All this post, the ideas in it, and data shared are courtesy of NextAfter. The last week of the year is the most perfect time to send fundraising emails to your donors. Many nonprofits put all their year-end eggs in the same basket: Giving Tuesday. But did you know that Giving Tuesday is not your most important year-end fundraising day? In fact, it’s not even close. Don’t get me wrong. Giving Tuesday is important. […]
December 8, 2020

Today’s Talk with Mazarine Treyz

This week, we sat down with nonprofit career and fundraising coach Mazarine Treyz. Mazarine brings her expertise to discuss the future of the nonprofit sector. This difficult year is almost over, but next year will bring its own challenges. Mazarine is also passionate about the well-being of nonprofit workers. She talks about the importance of advocating for your employees. She gives helpful advice on how to talk to donors about this, as well as some […]
December 10, 2020

How NOT to Make a Fundraising Plan

Fundraising. While it’s something so common in the nonprofit world, it can be a beast to tackle ― and get it right. A successful fundraising plan has every aspect down to a science. But things don’t always go as planned. Humans mess up, people get busy, and some things just fall through. But we can teach you how to avoid some of these issues! By knowing these issues ahead of time, you can better prepare […]
December 15, 2020

Today’s Talk with Susanne Blue

This week on Today’s Talk, we sat down with Susanne Blue, Executive Director of Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach Center. Matt Talbot serves individuals and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness in the Lincoln area.  This year, they had to find a completely new way to hold their annual fundraiser. Though it took a lot of extra time and effort, they came up with some creative virtual ideas. Thankfully, they had great results, and […]