July 27, 2024
March 25, 2022

Nonprofit Reserve Funds: A Primer

Reserve funds can be a key financial piece of the puzzle as a nonprofit seeks financial resiliency. But what exactly are reserve funds? Simply put, reserve funds are unrestricted funds set aside from normal operating funds for the nonprofit. It’s an organization’s savings account. Developing healthy reserves is a key financial milestone to building a sound, sustainable organization. It should be one of the first priorities when gaining maturity and moving past the scarcity mindset. […]
March 25, 2022

7 Ethical Dilemmas Facing Nonprofit Organizations [Updated]

*Updated March 24, 2022 If ethics were cut and dry, there wouldn’t be ethical dilemmas; we wouldn’t have to use our moral compasses. Unfortunately, life is a little more complicated than that. In the nonprofit sector in particular, there are various ethical and moral dilemmas that could creep in and bog down your goal to do more good. At the AFP Mid-America Conference on Fundraising, Robbe Healey spoke to seven ethical dilemmas nonprofits will face. […]
March 25, 2022

7 Steps to Compelling Staff Bios on Your Nonprofit Website [Updated]

Updated March 24, 2022 If you’ve spent any time in the world of nonprofit copywriting, you’ll have heard the maxim: people give to people, not causes. We like people. We care about real people because they remind us of those we love and care about. Ourselves, our friends, our kids, and our communities. However, many nonprofits forget that the same applies to our own organizations as well, not just our fundraising materials. We’re in the […]
March 26, 2022

[PODCAST] Avoid Becoming a Netflix Docudrama: A Discussion on Nonprofit Sector Ethics

The gray areas of nonprofit land are deep and wide. Many things we automatically deem inappropriate become considerable in the pursuit of good work (and survival). In this episode, Katie talks to Hannah Berger, a renowned nonprofit and philanthropy consultant who taught with Fundraising Academy. This “no holds barred” conversation examines why ethical issues arise in the sector and how nonprofit leaders can make discerning decisions.   All Money is Not Good Money At some […]