January 16, 2025
April 17, 2018

Why Conflict on Your Board of Directors is a Good Thing

Conflict on your board of directors can be a good thing. Crazy, right? It is often our natural tendency to avoid conflict at all costs. Even when we know conflict may be necessary to resolve an issue, we choose to stay in our safe, nonconfrontational bubbles. We fear that conflict will only lead to fights and petty frustration, so we avoid it altogether. Conflict can be (and often is) detrimental to a group’s success, but […]
April 20, 2018

6 Ways to Generate More Media Coverage This Year

When you launch a nonprofit, its beneficiaries claim your attention, and rightly so. The people you impact should be your first priority. However, to reach those people with education, resources and services, you need external aid from the press. Here are six ways to capture the interest of the press and earn media coverage to help you impact your local community. 1. Build relationships with the press If you want to affect the press, get […]
April 24, 2018

Nonprofit Spring Cleaning: Getting Rid of Unwanted Clutter

This article was originally published in Nonprofit Hub Magazine. Ah, Spring. Finally, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, our allergies are resurging. And, if you’re like me, your office has become something of a warzone: papers, notes, books and old coffee cups crowding your desk, allowing just enough room to rest your arms. Even if your desk isn’t as disastrous as mine, you probably let a few things pile up during the winter […]
April 27, 2018

5 Actionable Ways to Prevent Profit Leaks

Profit leaks threaten to sink any business, but the nature of nonprofit operations make them particularly vulnerable. Most companies in other industries can make internal adjustments to compensate for monetary drain. Nonprofits have leaks in areas for-profit companies never have to consider. It can be difficult for nonprofits to promote growth if their leaders are constantly bogged down by workforce management issues like compensation for paid workers versus volunteers or maintaining tax-exempt status with the […]