July 27, 2024
April 29, 2021

3 Ways to Build Trust with Donors in a Virtual World

How do you build trust with donors? These days, it can be easier to get the attention of thousands of little fish online than a few big fish right in your own pond. It’s the law of large numbers. With sleek one-tap payment options and crowd-funding strategies, you can use this attention to help fund your programs. But first, you have to establish meaningful relationships with your audience. Here are a few ways you can […]
May 4, 2021

5 Ways to Build Meaningful Board Engagement

Nonprofit work may be the one arena where you’re expected to inspire your bosses as well as provide them with ways to serve and hold them accountable. It’s a tricky business. If your board is operating on autopilot or hardly operating at all, try these methods for building meaningful nonprofit board engagement. Set Some Expectations Telling your board to be engaged may be like telling a child to eat a reasonable amount of candy. In […]
May 6, 2021

6 Skills Nonprofit Job Seekers Need to Have

Writing a flawless resume, winning the competition, and landing a job is never easy. It always requires marketing yourself the right way. And, often, simply showing your qualifications is not enough. This is true for the traditional job market. But when it comes to hunting for nonprofit jobs, things can get even tougher. That’s because the requirements and expectations for such positions go beyond having some professional experience and education. If you are wondering what […]
May 13, 2021

Good Finds for Nonprofits: Sortd

Each week we’ll bring you a new resource that we think could revolutionize the nonprofit sector—or at least your workweek. It may be an app, platform, podcast, or product that will help you do more good. This week, we’re looking at Sortd, an extension for Gmail users that takes email efficiency to a whole new level.  Sortd “Inbox Zero” is a fantasy. Every day, we’re all bombarded by emails. If you want to hide information […]