October 28, 2024
May 9, 2019

How to Create Social Media Promotions That Convert

Long gone are the days when social media was merely a way to share updates with friends and family. People of all ages spend hours on social media platforms every single day. It’s become not only a massive online community, but a marketplace. Products, services and ideas are shared to an almost overwhelming degree, and while a lot of promotions on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter don’t even register with users, others find a lot of […]
May 13, 2019

Emergency Funding: Where to Find It and How to Get It

It’s no secret that nonprofits struggle to find funding more than businesses and corporations do. Any money leftover after operating costs is usually put toward helping those in need, and that’s something to be proud of. But that doesn’t mean it’s not important to bring home a sufficient amount of bacon, or that nonprofit workers shouldn’t live comfortably themselves. You want to make sure you have enough emergency funding on deck to keep your organization […]
May 14, 2019

[PODCAST] Growing Good with Lisa Guill

Nonprofit Hub’s newest Hubcast series, Growing Good, is all about how young nonprofit professionals can sustain and grow our industry for the better. As startups and other for-profit companies ramp up their offerings for new employees, young people are especially pressured to forgo nonprofit work. This episode features Lisa Guill, Communications Director of City Impact, a faith-based social services nonprofit in Lincoln, Nebraska. She and our hosts discuss what it means to be a young […]
May 15, 2019

4 (Mostly) Free Ways to Appreciate Your Employees

Nonprofit employees are truly unsung champions. They work tirelessly for the causes they care about, and usually for a lower wage than their for-profit counterparts. They deserve our recognition and celebration, but it can be hard to show your appreciation on a shoestring budget. Here are easy, cheap (or free) ways to show your employees how much they mean to you. Block out time for recognition The easiest way to show your employees that they’re […]