July 27, 2024
November 28, 2022

[PODCAST] The Importance of In-Kind Donations

The Importance of In-Kind Donations In-kind donations can be as useful for nonprofits as cash gifts. Not every donor wants to give cash, ask for donations of goods and services. Kseniia Khrystova is the co-founder and CEO at Shortage – a place for everyone to donate requested goods to nonprofits. Shortage creates unique pages for every nonprofit with a list of requested goods and guarantees delivery of donated goods directly from donors to org’s doorstep. […]
December 1, 2022

Common Proposal Writing Mistakes

Common Proposal Writing Mistakes You Can Fix Today! Writing grant proposals can be a daunting task for both novice and experienced writers. There is an art to proposal writing, and understanding the terms and technical aspects of an application is not always an easy task. The good news is that time and practice can help you improve your skills.  Oscar Wilde is quoted as saying, “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” All […]
December 2, 2022

[PODCAST] Embracing Entrepreneurship and Young Nonprofit Leaders

Embracing Entrepreneurship and Young Nonprofit Leaders What inspires young nonprofit leaders and entrepreneurs to get involved in the nonprofit sector? More importantly, what do they need to succeed? Listen as Delaney chats with Meghana Gunturi who founded a nonprofit organization, Neurodiversity Horizons, now with 24 international chapters and a start-up, all before graduating high school. Learn More Shout out to our friends at AB Charities for making today’s episode possible!   The post [PODCAST] Embracing […]
December 8, 2022

Save Time By Planning Your Next Event Now

You plan, prepare, promote and pull off an amazing fundraising event, and then what? Naturally, you breathe a sigh of relief and go home—that is, if you’re like most event planners. And, of course, that makes sense: Planning and pulling off a successful event is a Herculean task. You deserve some rest. But what if you tried something different that could get you miles farther than a sigh of relief and en evening on your […]