April 27, 2024
April 19, 2019

5 Ways Nonprofits Can Negotiate for More Funding

Nonprofits face unique challenges that for-profit organizations don’t have to grapple with. First, nonprofits have to ask for money from people who don’t directly use their services. Instead of customers, nonprofits rely on donors. And many donors insist on spending less on administrative and managerial tasks, yet these functions are what make philanthropic efforts possible. These challenges make negotiation for nonprofits different compared to for-profit negotiations. Here are five proven ways you can get your donors […]
April 23, 2019

7 Twitter Accounts Nonprofits Need to Follow

The world wide web, specifically the Twittersphere, is overflowing with accounts designed to help you better run your organization. Whether their focus is general or something specific, like technology or donor retention, we’ve compiled a list of what we believe are the best, most helpful Twitter accounts you need to be following. @Classy Classy is your one-stop-shop for all things fundraising and marketing. Though their site started as a means to sell their fundraising software, […]
April 24, 2019

Brand Archetypes: What They Are and How to Use Them

This article is sponsored by Briteweb. What is brand personality—and why is it important? If your organization were a person, what would they be like? How would they look, speak and move? Would they be the life of the party, or more subdued? These questions might seem silly, but in nonprofit branding, they’re anything but. In fact, when we do stakeholder interviews for a brand strategy project, they’re among the most important questions we ask. […]
April 26, 2019

How to Know When to Expand Your Staff

Expansion is a good thing. In most cases, it means you’ve done your job well enough for long enough to add additional programming, campaigns or other projects. But it’s not always easy to know when you’re ready to expand, and it’s harder yet to know if your expansion should involve the addition of new staff. After all, nonprofits often work on volatile shoestring budgets, making it difficult to add another set of wages to the […]