October 28, 2024
December 16, 2018

Jimmy LaRose Slaughters Charity’s “Sacred Cows”

Jimmy LaRose NANOE Co-Founder has a strong opinion about the “Sacred Cows” he and his colleagues believe no longer work for charitable organizations. NANOE has outlined eight different topics he’s promised nonprofit executives won’t have to put up with during NANOE’s 2019 Board of Governor’s Convention & Expo. Here’s the list of phrases BANNED by LaRose and NANOE’s 2019 Board of Governors: 1. You Need to Recruit More Board Members (why add to the crazy-making?) 2. Try […]
January 19, 2019

Broken for Good: Documentary Film Shoot In Charleston, SC

Broken for Good: The Way Charity Works In The United States of America is a full length documentary film in its third year of production and will open in theaters in Spring 2020. Broken for Good was slated for a much earlier release but had to be extended because of the myriad of revelations the filmmakers discovered during their research. What was once a 2 year film shoot has turned into a 5 year passion project, in […]
April 7, 2019

6 Reasons To Pay Board Members

Pay Board Members? Last week, with great fanfare and applause, NANOE honored their Board Members with financial compensation for their service to the charitable sector. NANOE’s president, Louis Fawcett, issued checks in the amount of $1,000 for their board meeting held during NANOE’s Convention & Expo in Charleston, SC. During his presentation Fawcett posed the question, “You may not pay your board members but if you did…WHICH ONES WOULD YOU KEEP?” The crowd responded with […]
April 15, 2019

World Pediatric Project Is FOX NEWS Power Player of the Week

World Pediatric Project was featured by veteran newscaster Chris Wallace on FOX News Sunday’s Power Player of The Week. Wallace’s fast-paced interview celebrated the significant impact World Pediatric Project has in medically under-sourced countries around the world. Susan Rickman, World Pediatric Project CEO, shared, “Imagine your child needing heart surgery, brain surgery, or another form of highly complex procedure WITH NO ACCESS to a skilled surgery team, technology, equipment, or post-operative care needed to support […]