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December 14, 2018[PODCAST] What’s Next? with Kathleen Janus
December 20, 2018Jimmy LaRose Slaughters Charity’s “Sacred Cows”

Jimmy LaRose NANOE Co-Founder has a strong opinion about the “Sacred Cows” he and his colleagues believe no longer work for charitable organizations. NANOE has outlined eight different topics he’s promised nonprofit executives won’t have to put up with during NANOE’s 2019 Board of Governor’s Convention & Expo. Here’s the list of phrases BANNED by LaRose and NANOE’s 2019 Board of Governors:
1. You Need to Recruit More Board Members (why add to the crazy-making?)
2. Try Hiring a Consultant to Train Your Directors (why am I training my bosses?)
3. Have an Annual Strategic Planning Retreat (why waste a good weekend?)
4. Get People On Your Board Who Can Fundraise (it’s never worked…it never will)
5. Hire a 3rd Party to Perform a Feasibility Study (don’t let the consultants scam you)
6. Find New Revenue By Writing Grant Proposals (foundations give less than everyone else)
7. Spend Money on Facebook & Twitter (don’t be fooled, there’s no money in social media)
8. Purchase Donor Management Software (if you do don’t spend more than $500 dollars)
“You need a different set of answers to receive the monies you need in 2019. Let me show you a better way do charity. Let me show you how to find the big dollars” – Jimmy LaRose
Here’s one way Jimmy LaRose NANOE Co-Founder says he can help, “Are you the type of executive who doesn’t go to conferences & seminars anymore? You figured out long ago that wasting valuable time on worn-out retreaded workshop topics wasn’t for you. Or maybe you remember the time you were sitting in a keynote address and realized you should be the one presenting because you knew more about the topic than the special speaker? I have good news for professionals who know the value of capacity-building are ready for a continuing education challenge worthy of their tenure and experience. Join us March 6-27, 2019 in Charleston, SC for NANOE’s 2019 Board of Governors Convention & Expo where you will be tasked with performing a comprehensive review of New Guidelines for Nonprofits. This assignment will require contributions from a wide-array of industry professionals from all stations within the public, private and charitable sectors. Vendors, CEOs, staff members, administrators, donors, board members and clergy who work or volunteer in the human welfare, education, healthcare, arts, animals, environmental and/or public benefit sectors will be joining to learn how to change the way we do charity.”
If these eight banned phrases resonate with you and your leadership feel free to share the image below with your fellow nonprofit colleagues.
To meet Jimmy LaRose NANOE Co-Founder VISIT HERE or call 803.808.5084 to speak to a live team member.
Jimmy LaRose NANOE Co-Founder Bans Eight “Sacred Cows” was written by author, speaker and fundraiser James P. LaRose, CNE, CDE, CNC. He’s the author of RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY: Charities Need Your Mind More Than Your Money™ written to philanthropists who give nonprofits what they really need…enterprise models that grow capacity and achieve financial sustainability. https://JimmyLaRose.com