March 12, 2025
March 5, 2020

Tracy Ebarb Reveals How To Supercharge Fundraising Using “First Gifts”

Tracy Ebarb is a veteran fundraiser and NANOE’s International Director. Let’s hear what Tracy has to say about “FIRST GIFTS” We all have lots of ‘firsts’ in our lives, and sometimes they’re very memorable! Other times, we may work hard to forget them. Either way, ‘firsts’ happen to all of us. In the development/fundraising world there are all kinds of ‘firsts’ – first cultivation visit; first grant application; first grant awarded; first appeal letter written; […]
March 15, 2020

Charitable Fundraising During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Fundraising During The Coronavirus Pandemic has been written by Mal Warwick to provide you concrete steps that will guide you through times like these. For starters, let’s agree that panicking and crawling into a hole because of the coronavirus is not a reasonable option. Business goes on, whatever the economic conditions. You can’t not raise funds. You can’t treat loyal and responsive donors like statistics. And you can’t stop building your donor database. If you […]
March 17, 2020

Fundraising During Times of Calamity – Louis Fawcett

Fundraising During Times of Calamity was written by Louis Fawcett, President of National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives. Here’s Louis’ charge to fundraising professionals: In the middle of the Great Recession, I was in charge of raising more than $1 million for a children’s home in Ethiopia. Our effort to help orphans in Africa started in 2007 and spanned through 2010 which included the earthquake in Haiti (further drawing attention away from helping children […]
March 20, 2020

Surviving COVID-19 – Lessons From 2008

Charities can survive COVID-19 by applying what we learned from the nonprofits who survived the Greatest Downturn In The Economy Since The Great Depression. Simply review National Development Institute (NDI) & Clemson University’s clinical study evaluating 2008-2011 charitable outcomes involving 470 nonprofit leaders who completed a ninety-item, online survey examining their capacity building initiatives. We asked nonprofit leaders to consider a specific capacity building effort they were undertaking in the future. We examined their underlying […]