October 12, 2024
January 31, 2020

Meet Jimmy LaRose NANOE Co-Founder and Champion

Ladies and gentlemen please meet Jimmy LaRose. Some of you may know the name Patrick Henry. Some of you are familiar with Crispus Attucks. Some of you may know, “give me liberty or give me death.” Perhaps, you know, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison or even the name Steve Jobs. These are men who fomented a revolution and changed the way we do things. At every one of these junctures, life was different for all […]
May 30, 2021

NANOE America’s Nonprofit Network Exceeds 2,400 Members

NANOE America’s Nonprofit Network Exceeds 2,400 Members overviews National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executive (NANOE) exponential growth as explained by NANOE’s Board Chairman Bishop Redfern II. Headquartered in Washington, D.C. NANOE was established 2016 as an alternative to the failing establishment nonprofit associations whose memberships are in severe decline. Chairman Redfern insists, “NANOE Members are the innovators and critical thinkers THAT WILL CHANGE NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT FOREVER!” With laughter and inspiration Redfern promised, “the only way to change […]
October 7, 2021

Lester Salamon Nonprofit Innovater…His Legacy Lives On

Lester Salamon Nonprofit Innovater Lives On is a testament to one of NANOE’s greatest influences. Dr. Lester M. Salamon, who died August 20, 2021, has been described as one of the world’s most prolific and influential scholars of nonprofit organizations. That we think of the nonprofit and civil society sector as a sector at all is due in large part to the work of early scholars in the field like Salamon and the research teams he galvanized. […]
April 3, 2022

H. Hall Powell, Jr. Nonprofit Management Library – Bishop Redfern II

  H. Hall Powell, Jr. Nonprofit Management Library by Bishop Redfern II celebrates National Development Institute (NDI) Board of Director’s official opening of the world’s largest online collection of nonprofit management resources. The H. Hall Powell, Jr. Nonprofit Management Library resides with National Development