October 10, 2024
January 28, 2020

Has Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Exceeded Its Expiration Date?

“Has Association of Fundraising Professionals Exceeded Their Expiration Date?” is a question I recently posed to author and veteran fundraiser Jimmy LaRose. Why ask Jimmy? He’s been in nonprofit management for over three decades and exited AFP (with quite a bit of attention from the Nonprofit Sector) to launch the
March 8, 2020

Coronavirus Nonprofits – Be Informed – The Facts You Need

Coronavirus Nonprofits – Be Informed – The Facts You Need is meant to provide you context and perspective. Last year over 10,000 people passed as a result of INFLUENZA (the flu). Did you shut your nonprofit down last year? Did you stop your special events last year? Did you stop raising money last year? NO, no you didn’t. Sickness, colds and flu must always be taken seriously. If you’re greeted in a group USE THE […]
March 15, 2020

Fundraising During The Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus is causing pandemonium and in the short term may even get worse. Regardless let’s review some steps that will guide us through this difficult period. For starters, let’s agree that panicking and crawling into a hole because of the coronavirus is not a reasonable option. Business goes on, whatever the economic conditions. You can’t not raise funds. You can’t treat loyal and responsive donors like statistics. And you can’t stop building your donor database. […]