October 28, 2024
February 4, 2021

NANOE’s Board of Governors Convention & Expo – Virtual Event April 20-21, 2021

NANOE’s Board of Governors Convention & Expo will be hosted Nationwide as a live virtual event on April 20-21, 2021. NANOE and their 2,100 members have poignantly asked the question, “Is Charity Broken for Good?” This group of charitable leaders, named National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and Executives (NANOE), have determined that high-performing nonprofit leaders are entirely frustrated with the dysfunction of nonprofits. NANOE points to the myriad of charitable legislation, tax laws, industry standards, outdated […]
April 1, 2021

Nonprofit Workers Unionize – Good or Bad for Charity?

Nonprofit Workers Unionize is Dr. Kathleen Robinson’s take on a recent move by nonprofit workers in Minnesota to enter collective bargaining. Workers at the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) announced in March they are unionizing. The announcement came two days after they asked management of the organization to grant voluntary recognition during a biweekly staff meeting. Minnesota Council of Nonprofits’ Executive Director Jon Pratt, has not yet voluntarily recognized the union. The Minnesota StarTribune reported […]
April 3, 2021

NANOE’s 2021 Convention & Expo – April 20-21

NANOE’s 2021 Convention & Expo will be hosted live and online April 20-21, 2021. Are you the type of executive who doesn’t go to conferences & seminars anymore? You figured out long ago that wasting valuable time on worn-out re-treaded workshop topics wasn’t for you. Or maybe you remember the time you were sitting in a keynote address and realized you should be the one presenting because you knew more about the topic than the […]
June 21, 2022

Community-Centric Fundraising is a Motherload of Really Bad Ideas – Dr. Kathleen Robinson

Community-Centric Fundraising – The Motherload of Bad Ideas is Professor Kathleen Robinson’s take on a new, cryptic and confusing movement within the charitable sector. Robinson, has testified before Congress, the United Nations and has inspired governments around the world to develop human welfare policies rooted in philanthropy. She is the co-founder of National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives (NANOE). Here’s what Kathleen has to say about Community-Centric Fundraising: Recently, I was asked to share […]