September 7, 2024

Major Gifts Fundraising News is the broadcast outlet for Major Gifts Ramp-Up hosted by Development Systems International & PAX Global fundraising firms.

July 15, 2024

Meet Hall Powell…Major Gifts Fundraising Expert

“It is the best of times and it is the worst of times…” This opening sentence of Dickens’ classic, A Tale of Two Cities, could have been a prophesy of what would happen 431 years later: The Covid-19 Pandemic and the resulting political turmoil. The book is a story of sacrifice and redemption. There have been many great articles recently published that offer suggestions as to how to survive as a nonprofit organization in “times […]
July 29, 2024

Meet Alexis India-Alm – Major Gifts Fundraising Expert

Meet Alexis India-Alm is an introduction to Development Systems International‘s newest Major Gifts Ramp-Up Expert! Alexis is a woman who is passionate about community, giving back, and paying it forward. Her passion for raising awareness and helping others started when she was 16 and her prom date, who used a wheelchair, could not get into the venue from the front door so they had to use the loading dock and come into the restaurant through […]
August 27, 2024

The Perfect Campaign Cabinet Fundraising Chair – Charlotte Berry

The Perfect Campaign Cabinet Fundraising Chair – Charlotte Berry is an article by Jimmy LaRose about his dear friend Charlotte who always ensured fundraising campaign success. Jimmy is the architect of the Major Gifts Ramp-Up Model. Here’s what LaRose has to share: What is a Campaign Cabinet Fundraising Chair? Simply put, the chair of a fundraising campaign is a key leader who organizes a group of fellow volunteers who generate contributions to the campaign. Do […]
September 4, 2024

Tom Reed is a Major Gifts Ramp-Up Expert

Tom Reed, veteran CEO and fundraising expert is a Major Gifts Ramp-Up Counselor with Development Systems International. Let’s hear what Tom has to share: About 7 years ago I read a book called Reimagining Philanthropy by Jimmy LaRose. It was a fascinating challenge to everything I had become accustomed to in the nonprofit sector, having been the Executive Director of a premier charity in Santa Barbara, CA for over 20 years. In the back of […]