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Tom Reed is a Major Gifts Ramp-Up Expert

Tom Reed Major Gifts Ramp-Up

Tom Reed, veteran CEO and fundraising expert is a Major Gifts Ramp-Up Counselor with Development Systems International. Let’s hear what Tom has to share:

About 7 years ago I read a book called Reimagining Philanthropy by Jimmy LaRose. It was a fascinating challenge to everything I had become accustomed to in the nonprofit sector, having been the Executive Director of a premier charity in Santa Barbara, CA for over 20 years. In the back of the book Jimmy had included his cell phone number, so I dialed it.

Jimmy tells me he rarely picks up when a caller is unknown, but the conversation we had was enlightening beyond words. His heart for the heroes that give their time and total dedication to the cause of changing and saving lives was evident. And his totally creative method of assisting nonprofits in their number one area of need was inspiring.


TOM REED AT A 2-DAY MAJOR GIFTS RAMP-UP EVENTFrom my own experience I know that leaders of charities dedicate the vast majority of their time to operations. The reason they are even doing the job is because they care deeply about those they are serving. They are not working this hard because of the financial upside benefit for themselves, and that was not my motivation either. In fact, the assumed attitude regarding nonprofits seemed to be, “Think of how much more of the resources could go to the children if you operated with all volunteers! And if you could find an Executive Director that would fill the position with the least amount of compensation, how much more money could go directly to the mission!!”

The result? We expect nonprofits to do what government and the business community is unable or unwilling to do: to address the most difficult issues facing society, and perform the near impossible with the least amount of financial resources. It is no wonder the nonprofit sector grows at a ridiculously low percentage annually compared to our overall economy.

Again, from my own experience and from observation of other agencies, the challenge of raising significant funds to truly meet the needs of the mission is dumbfounding. Raising money is not why founders and leaders are drawn to their cause. In fact, most feel that because they are sacrificially dedicating their lives to helping others, those with financial capability should generously support the mission. But there is most often no credible plan to fulfill that assumption.

So they attempt to find Board members that will donate, and who will introduce others to the nonprofit that will also donate. Gaining 100% participation from a Board is not too difficult, although the donations are usually insignificant, and rarely do they bring others donors.


So they hire a Development Director to help raise money. Grants for $5,000, $10,000, $25,000 and even $50,000. are then written and submitted to foundations. After covering the internal cost of hiring the Dev. Dir., some money is generated but rarely do 5 figure grants take an agency to scale. Then the D. D. plans events like a 5K, a golf tournament, a gala complete with dinner, entertainment, a silent and live auction, ticket sales and sponsorships. If the staff time involved to carry out these elaborate events were tracked, plus the actual costs for food, venue, greens fees, etc., the net amount only creates the minimum amount needed for monthly operations. No significant impact is achieved.

Tom Reed is a Major Gifts Ramp-Up Expert

Jimmy knew all of that first hand from his 30+ years of major fundraising experience. He essentially said, “Let me show you a better way.” He then invited me to a two-day online tutorial on a model he calls Major Gifts Ramp Up. I was blown away!

Here were specific steps outlined over 18 months that not only brought new donors to the table, but carefully prepared a nonprofit to earn the right to invite a major donor to invest significantly in the charity. Included was the preparation of a Case for Support that took an agencies common brochure and made it into more of an investment prospectus that included a multi-million-dollar budget covering the next 3-5 years. Every step in the 13-step model was thoughtfully creative, and has been tested over 1,000 times raising hundreds of millions of dollars. It is a proven concept.

Having been introduced to this incredible model, I could envision helping other charities that struggle in the area of fundraising. So often nonprofits are undercompensating their leaders; they do not have enough staff; they desperately need to rehabilitate their facilities or even add needed space; and they feel that attempting to build an Endowment would possibly reduce needed donations for current operations. Burnout is pending without the financial resources needed to survive, let alone grow an organization to a sustainable level and actually meeting the need.

I am excited about utilizing the Major Gifts Ramp Up model to help organizations that are doing such important work. I left the nonprofit I was leading in the best financial position it had ever experienced, became licensed and certified with Development Systems International, the organization that implements the model by partnering with nonprofit leaders, helping them raise the millions of dollars they need to have the impact they are capable of.


So I invite you into the incredible world of major gift fundraising~!! The model demystifies the seemingly complicated problem of generating significant funds, and addresses every challenge and barrier commonly experienced. It even takes the fear out of meeting with donors who have the capacity to make a huge difference, even revealing relationship building techniques that actually work.

More information is available at and I am at your service at the contact information below.

All the best as you serve those in need and change our world for the better

Thomas D. Reed, CDE, CNC
Senior Counselor
Development Systems International
[email protected]

Tom Reed is a Major Gifts Ramp-Up Expert was first posted at INSIDE CHARITY

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Jimmy LaRose
Jimmy LaRose
Jimmy LaRose’s passion for “people who give” has inspired philanthropists around the world to change the way they invest in nonprofits. His belief that donors are uniquely positioned to give charities what they truly need – leadership rather than money – is the basis for his work with individuals, governments, corporations and foundations, in the U.S., Europe, Asia & Middle East. Jimmy, in his role as author, speaker, corporate CEO & nonprofit CEO champions all of civil society’s vital causes by facilitating acts of benevolence that bring healing to humanity and advance our common good. He and his beautiful wife Kristi are citizens of the Palmetto State where they make their home in Lexington, South Carolina.

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