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Joanne Oppelt – NANOE Member & Expert Fundraiser
July 30, 2022Joanne Oppelt’s High ROI Fundraising System

Joanne Oppelt’s Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System is one nonprofit veteran’s take on building proper organizational infrastructure. As a nonprofit executive director, you have limited resources to meet Increased demands. You must attract talent while competing with for-profit wages. You need to upgrade your technology to ward off cyberthreats. You want engaged board members to carry your message into the community. And, because the funding pie seems to be shrinking, there is no end in sight. It is an exhausting job. I know. I used to be an executive director. And no one knows what it is to be an executive director except another executive director.
If you are an executive director, or strive to be one, this book is addresses to you. Although The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System is written for current and future executive directors, board and staff members will find it worth reading too. The book can serve as an introduction to fundraising for board and staff members who often have no fundraising backgrounds. It also gives glimpses into an executive director’s mindset, a valuable communication asset.
Joanne Oppelt’s Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System
If you are looking for a step-by-step guide on how to implement the latest and greatest techniques in raising funds, you’re in the wrong place. But if you are looking for an easily digestible system that will help you raise more money with the limited resources you already have, you’ve come to the right place. The book is intentionally not a how-to implement whatever fundraising activity—there are numerous books addressing fundraising activity planning, implementation, and execution. Instead, I tried to stay at the strategy level, where most executive directors operate.
I present the information as simply as I could to make it easily understandable, because I know busy fundraising leaders’ time for reading is limited. I use case studies so you can see the system in action. My goal is threefold: reach you where you are in your nonprofit growth cycle, pay respect to the richness of nonprofit cultures in the marketplace, and delve into the decisions nonprofit leaders face in moving their agencies forward. I chose the four nonprofits I did because they are so different from one another and they were the ones, at the time of writing, that I had worked the most extensively with. I wanted to illustrate that my blueprint for fundraising surpasses individual organization characteristics, are adaptable to them, and can be implemented regardless of them.
This book, however, is not a treatise on my consulting services. It is much too general for that. What it is an introduction to a proven revenue-generating framework that will, hopefully, help hundreds of executive directors move their fundraising forward, increasing their net income over a significant period of time, exceeding their budgets and expanding their missions. Because that’s what it’s all about for me. Meeting mission and making the world a better place to live.
Chapters One through Three are introductory chapters. In Chapter One you get an overview of the book. Chapter Two introduces you to The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System and the context it operates in. In Chapter Three, you meet four nonprofits we follow throughout the book.
Chapters Four and Five talk about the first step of the system, assessing your nonprofit’s fundraising strengths and gaps. In Chapter Four, I explain what is included in a comprehensive evaluation, how to conduct a thorough assessment, and how this first step was applied to our four nonprofits. Chapter Five describes the most common fundraising methods and the technology required to adequately track donor interactions.
Chapter Six covers step two of the system: empowering your board. You see how to motivate your board to fundraise, that is, be mission ambassadors who teach your community how to interact with your agency.
In Chapters Seven and Eight we move on to step three of the system, mobilizing your staff. I describe how to set your development staff up for fundraising success. I also discuss typical fundraising staff roles, including recruiting, working with, and retaining fundraising staff.
Chapters Nine and Ten get into how to excite your community. In Chapter Nine, you learn how to build community backing so that the public supports your organization financially. Chapter Ten focuses on various groups of donors, their likes and preferences, and their motivations for giving.
Chapters Eleven and Twelve wrap up the book. In Chapter Eleven, we see how our four agencies fared after applying The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System. In Chapter Twelve, I tell you the next steps to take to move your own fundraising program forward.
The purpose of The Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System is to give you a roadmap to navigate the world of limited resources to meet increasing demands. At this point in my career, I want to help as many mission-oriented nonprofits that I can build sustainable revenue streams. I believe in the power of nonprofits to change to world.
Use the system I share with you. It will help you raise more revenues, allocate resources more efficiently, increase organizational capacity, attract new supporters, and relieve some of the financial pressures of your job, allowing your agency to increase its impact and advance its mission. A goal we can both buy into.
About the author: During Joanne’s 30+ years working in the nonprofit arena, she has held positions from volunteer to executive director. Integrating fundraising with strategic planning, marketing, operations, and financial systems, she builds up organizational revenue streams, creating sustainable funding structures. She specializes in helping nonprofits improve their ROI and realize continuous net surpluses. She currently provides consulting services, multi-module online courses with private coaching, person-to-person fundraising advice, annual summits, virtual get-togethers, and weekly newsletters. She is member in good standing of National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives (NANOE). She can be reached at [email protected] or through her website www.joanneoppeltcourses.com.
Joanne Oppelt, MHA, CNE, CDE, CNC
Joanne Oppelt Courses
[email protected]
Joanne Oppelt’s Sustainable High ROI Fundraising System was first posted at INSIDE CHARITY
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