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Jimmy LaRose Nonprofit Parody – Food & Water For All

Jimmy LaRose Nonprofit Parody is LaRose’s fictional conversation with millionaire James Drake IV. (Press the “play button” above to experience the absurdity we’ve all faced as nonprofit leaders.)

James Drake IV: Well, hello. I’m James Drake IV coming to you from my chalet in Aspen. As you know, we’re gathered today with my fellow CEOs, entrepreneurs and philanthropists to establish this first meeting of the Steering Committee for Food and Water for All. I apologize that I can’t be with you there in person because, you know, I never missed the whale watching in Turks and Caicos this time of year.

I can’t wait to share the big ideas that I’ve been learning from the different nonprofit associations that help charities start from scratch. Evidently, there are six tasks that we have to do in order to launch Food and Water for All.


First, we need to seat what’s called a nonprofit board of directors. Now it could be that the people on this call, all of us together would end up being those board members. Evidently, we’re not to be paid. We’re supposed to volunteer. I’m not sure any of us have any experience with nonprofits, food or water. But the first thing I know we need to do, according to what everybody else says, is establish a board of directors.

Jimmy LaRose: Seating, a board of directors, a group of volunteers who are unpaid, who may not know anything about nonprofit management or the population we’re serving. THIS IS NUTS!

Jimmy LaRose Nonprofit Parody - Food & Water For All

Jimmy LaRose Nonprofit Parody – Food & Water For All

James Drake IV: Agenda item number two, we’ve got to get ourselves trained. We’re the board of directors. We may not have any experience in nonprofit management. We may not know anything really about feeding the the poor. Certainly, we’re good people, though, and we’re successful in our own endeavors. But we need to get the training because we’re actually going to be in charge of a CEO. We’re going to be his or her boss. And I’m not sure we entirely know what we’re doing yet we’re in charge of this organization.

Jimmy LaRose: A group of people that need to be trained. We don’t need trainees. We need experts.

James Drake IV: Agenda item number three, we have to establish a budget. You know, we’re going to be responsible for having significant impact around the world so we need a multimillion dollar budget. But from what I can tell, according to the different resources that are available, we’re going to have to keep overhead and administration under twenty five percent.

Jimmy LaRose: We have to establish a budget and keep administration overhead and salaries under twenty five percent. We won’t have an organization that works.

James Drake IV: The fourth order of business is we’ve got to hire a competent CEO. And evidently, according to what I’ve been seeing across the nonprofit sector, we’ve got to hire a person that really knows what they’re doing, is very passionate about our cause, but they’re so passionate about our cause that they’re willing to be underpaid.

Jimmy LaRose: Hire a CEO below market value…that’s just immoral. If we’re going to make a difference we have to put the best person in place AND PAY THEM. How are we going to get the best person for this position if we don’t take care of their financial needs?

James Drake IV: Agenda item number five. Evidently, according to all the other board members that I talked to, there is this group of people that were supposed to hire. This group of strangers will perform a feasibility study and they’re going to meet with everybody in our community to tell us how much money that we can raise for Food and Water for All.

Jimmy LaRose: Hiring a third party, a consulting firm from out of town to meet with strangers is archaic. How are they going to find out what we can raise? We should know what we can raise. It just doesn’t make any sense.

James Drake IV:  And finally, we’re all the way to number six. This is a big deal. Evidently, if we hook up with the United Way, our community foundation and all of these different granting organizations, they’re going to give us the millions that we need in order to accomplish our mission.

Jimmy LaRose: Really…really! You’ve been deceived.


Jimmy LaRose Nonprofit Parody – Food & Water For All  is based on his industry-best selling book  RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY named by BookAuthority as one of the 100 Best Philanthropy Books of All Time. Jimmy LaRose, author, civil society advocate and global cause entrepreneur takes donors and volunteers on a wild ride into the upside down world of nonprofit management. Hailed as both provocative and uplifting RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY uses an “emperor has no clothes” approach to confront the “crazy-making” that’s paralyzed the charitable sector for the past fifty years. Relying on humor and vivid story-telling RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY “challenges the existing order of things” inspiring philanthropists to solve global problems by transforming the nonprofits in whom they invest. RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY is the basis for the upcoming documentary film BROKEN FOR GOOD: The Charity Works In The United States of America being produced by CINEVANTAGE.

Jimmy LaRose Nonprofit Parody – Food & Water For All was first posted at NANOE News

Learn more about Jimmy LaRose VISIT HERE

The post Jimmy LaRose Nonprofit Parody – Food & Water For All appeared first on NANOE | Charity’s Official Website.

For more articles like Jimmy LaRose Nonprofit Parody – Food & Water For All VISIT HERE

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Jimmy LaRose
Jimmy LaRose
Jimmy LaRose’s passion for “people who give” has inspired philanthropists around the world to change the way they invest in nonprofits. His belief that donors are uniquely positioned to give charities what they truly need – leadership rather than money – is the basis for his work with individuals, governments, corporations and foundations, in the U.S., Europe, Asia & Middle East. Jimmy, in his role as author, speaker, corporate CEO & nonprofit CEO champions all of civil society’s vital causes by facilitating acts of benevolence that bring healing to humanity and advance our common good. He and his beautiful wife Kristi are citizens of the Palmetto State where they make their home in Lexington, South Carolina.

1 Comment

  1. I am loss of words Mr. LaRose could not have been any clearer from his message food & water for everyone. I have found myself giving away my professional secrets by sharing my proposals and knowledge with other school authorities in my community who have asked me to be either on the school board or to take the position of being a Co- Chair on the board. After hours of meeting with school leader (s) and talking and listening to their needs and vision not to mention their interest in my foundation I have to admit it has become an exhausting venture. What I do not understand is I am sought after I move forward abiding by all opportunities of moving forward then I have journeyed down a dead in. I will never give up I have come to understand that God has another road for me to journey towards, and that is becoming a International foundation which is my vision, creating my powerhouse facility that No man can shut down or who refuses to allow me to help our youth towards change! CNC,CNE,CDE

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