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6 Reasons Why We’re Thankful for Nonprofits

Now is the perfect time to reflect on all the blessings 2018 has brought us. One thing we’re especially grateful for is the nonprofit sector and all the great work it’s done this year (and every year).

Here are six reasons why we’re thankful for the work nonprofits do each and every day.

1. They provide hope

In a world where we’re constantly hearing about natural disasters, social injustices and countless other problems on the news, nonprofits serve as a glimpse of hope. When people feel helpless and have no one to turn to, nonprofit organizations are always there to give shelter, provide clean water or help fund medical expenses. Nonprofits are united force for good that’s actively solving the world’s problems.

2. They strengthen the economy

The nonprofit sector’s role in the economic well-being of the United States has grown exponentially in the 21st century.  The number of philanthropic organizations in the U.S. grew 25 percent from 2001 to 2011, while the number of for-profit businesses rose by just half of a percent. Plus, nonprofits contribute around $900 billion to the economy each year, making up 6 percent of the nation’s GDP. They employ over 10 percent of the American workforce—that’s 14.4 million people—as of 2013. Nonprofit organizations are an economic force to be reckoned with, and without them, the entire market would suffer.

3. They don’t discriminate

In the nonprofit sector, there’s something for everyone. The people who support nonprofits aren’t bound to a single age, race or gender, and neither are the people they serve. Chances are, every person in the country has been affected by a nonprofit organization in some way or another, whether they were volunteering, contributing or receiving aid.

4. They strengthen the community

Few things strengthen a community better than working together to reach a goal, especially when it’s for a good cause. When nonprofits hold events and fundraisers, they unite a unique group of people that might not otherwise interact. Charitable organizations hold the community together, and when things go wrong, they’re ready to rebuild and restore it.

5. They give people a voice

Nonprofits are a light at the end of the tunnel for the most underserved and underrepresented people in the community. Without them, those who are most vulnerable wouldn’t have a voice. While society often turns a blind eye to certain groups of people in the community, nonprofits are making these individuals their focus.

6. The people who work at them rock

Nonprofit managers and employees are selfless, compassionate and kind-hearted. Some of the world’s biggest innovators work for nonprofits, and the best part is: they’re all in it for the right reasons. Workers in the nonprofit sector are not afraid to put themselves in uncomfortable situations if it means others will benefit. They choose to surround themselves with people who care about making a difference, and that’s truly something special.

To all the nonprofits out there, we love you and are thankful for your tireless work. Keep it up!

The post 6 Reasons Why We’re Thankful for Nonprofits appeared first on Nonprofit Hub.

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