A Surefire Way to Help Your Executive Director Complete Fundraising Tasks
January 13, 2018Continued Success: Refocusing for the New Year
January 16, 20186 Back to School Lessons To Boost Your Online Fundraising
The holidays are over, and kids and college students are packing up book bags and suitcases and heading off to their respective halls of knowledge to learn about the Pythagorean theorem and the significance of metaphors in 18th-century British literature.
But what about you? What do you want to learn more about this semester?
There are any number of fantastic courses available, but the best place to start is right here.
In this article, we’ll cover ways nonprofits can improve their online fundraising. With online fundraising on the rise, it’s more important than ever for nonprofits to continue to improve their giving methods and outreach strategies.