February 10, 2025
National Development Institute Major GIfts Ramp-Up Event
Nonprofit Conferences: Starting Major Gifts Programs from Scratch
January 1, 2018
Diana Ruano NANOE
Bursting the Nonprofit Bubble – Diana Ruano – UN Refugee Agency
January 1, 2018
National Development Institute Major GIfts Ramp-Up Event
Nonprofit Conferences: Starting Major Gifts Programs from Scratch
January 1, 2018
Diana Ruano NANOE
Bursting the Nonprofit Bubble – Diana Ruano – UN Refugee Agency
January 1, 2018

Saint Pantaleon Foundation – Middle East Medical Missions


Saint Pantaleon Foundation is sending Dr. David & Autumn Smith from Summit Mississippi to Nazareth, Israel to help this predominately Arab community tackle Diabetes. Just like here at home the number of patients who have contracted this terrible disease in Nazareth has skyrocketed. Saint Pantaleon Foundation is committed to lowering the incidence rates that we are all too familiar with in our own communities. With experience at his own clinic in Mississippi, he serves 400 patients who have a single diagnoses of diabetes only, meaning David has a high-level of experience of with this epidemic and can bring his vast experience to bear.

Saint Pantelon Foundation - David & Autumn Smith

Saint Pantelon Foundation – David & Autumn Smith

Arabs, are the largest ethnic minority group in Israel, accounting for 20.7% of the total Israeli population. Most of the Arab population in Israel lives in predominantly Arab communities in close proximity to Jewish towns, with high exposure to westernized foods and eating habits. Arab communities are still undergoing a transition from a mainly agrarian society, to a more urbanized one. On the whole, compared to the Jewish population, Arabs in Israel have lower socioeconomic status and poorer health awareness.

To learn more about the Saint Pantaleon Foundation, the 501 (c)(3) organization which provides finances and direction for this important work you can visit https://www.saintpantaleon.org. David and Autumn will be keeping regular updates on this blog site as well as on their Facebook Page, also.

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Gabe Lowe
Gabe Lowe
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