July 27, 2024
BROKEN FOR GOOD Documentary Reveals Why Charities Are Poor
December 20, 2017
Charlotte Berry, America’s Volunteer, NANOE Nominations Co-Chair
December 20, 2017
BROKEN FOR GOOD Documentary Reveals Why Charities Are Poor
December 20, 2017
Charlotte Berry, America’s Volunteer, NANOE Nominations Co-Chair
December 20, 2017

NANOE Governors’ Challenge – 6 NEW GUIDELINES – Kathy Robinson

NANOE Governors are donors, volunteers, staff, vendors and board members who will perform FIVE TASKS to refine and improve new policies that transform the way we do charity. NANOE Governors will be the first to review New Guideline’s for Tomorrow’s Nonprofit’s – 2nd Edition which contains 6 NEW IMPACT GUIDELINES designed to supercharge nonprofit capacity-building. Governors will contribute to the development of each guideline providing recommendations that ensure the health and future of our charitable sector. Please take a moment to review the FIVE TASKS as outlined below:

(Governors will rely on NANOE Central to accomplish this important work)

Governors’ Challenge – TASK ONE

JOIN NANOE: Purchase (or renew) a capacity-building membership package that works for you.

NANOE is a nationwide membership network comprised of individuals who believe that “innovation never fears a challenge” and that the greatest contribution nonprofit practitioners can make to charity is to become the creative, thinking enterprise-leaders our sector so desperately needs. NANOE’s award-winning membership program provides practitioners hundreds of benefits and thousands of resources they use to grow their charitable mission.

NANOE Membership Program Guide

Governors’ Challenge – TASK TWO

LOCATE & READ: New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofit – 2nd Edition


Located in NANOE Central

New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofit – 2nd Edition contains SIX booklets:

  • Give & Take: Harnessing the Power of Differentiated Relationships
  • Strong CEOs: Heroism, Strength, Knowledge, Achievement and Vision
  • System Shock: New Era Management Structures for Charities that Soar
  • Building Capacity: Technology, Equipment, Legacy, Facilities and Working Capital for Significant Impact
  • Boosting Capacity: Securing Risk, Opportunity and Change Capital for Significant Impact
  • Evaluating Impact: Before During and After Strategic Growth Actions

Governors’ Challenge – TASK THREE

LOCATE & ANSWER: Six Questions (per guideline) in Governors’ Forum 


Governors are invited to answer the following six questions per Guideline:

  • What do you think is the most important idea presented in the Guideline?
  • What idea in this guideline do you have concerns about? Why?
  • What idea is not clear to you or you think needs amplification?
  • What do you think needs to be added to the guideline to make it more helpful?
  • Do you think any additional practices need to be added to this guideline? If so what are they?
  • In what ways do you think this guideline helps promote nonprofit growth?

Governors’ Challenge – TASK FOUR

SAVE-THE-DATE: Facebook Live – 2018 Governors Orientation

Facebook Live – 2018 Governors Orientation
January 25, 2018 (11:30am-12:30am)

Governors’ Challenge – TASK FIVE

SAVE-THE-DATE: NANOE’s 2019 Board of Governors Convention & Expo

2019 Board of Governors Convention & Expo
Charleston, SC – March 26-27, 2019
Trident Technical College

The post NANOE Governors’ Challenge – 6 NEW GUIDELINES – Kathy Robinson appeared first on NANOE | Charity’s Official Website.

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