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NANOE Credentials – 10 Reasons Why Nonprofit Practitioners Love Them

NANOE Credentials – 10 Reasons Why Nonprofit Practitioners Love Them is Joanne Oppelt’s take on America’s fastest growing adult continuing education program. Joanne is a tenured faculty member at National Development Institute and a senior counselor with Development Systems International. Here’s what this nonprofit management veteran has to share:

Joanne Oppelt - NANOE Member & Expert FundraiserThree years ago I discovered NANOE’s New Guidelines for Nonprofits. This important work focused on the myriad of charitable legislation, tax laws, industry standards, outdated philosophies, organizational structures, and practices that have STOPPED SECTOR GROWTH on all fronts. In the face of this downturn, NANOE also noted that governments, philanthropic communities and civil society demands more performance from charities to effectively tackle a host of social, health and environmental issues. Their final analysis determined that industry standards have not changed to meet the needs of the 21st century. NANOE’s three credentialing programs are based on this prolific work. With that background in mind here are ten reasons (in descending order) why I covet Certified Nonprofit Executive (CNE), Certified Development Executive (CDE) & Certified Nonprofit Consultant (CNC):


10. NANOE Members are Awesome

NANOE certification has solidified my relationship with other NANOE group members. I find the community a place where I can contribute and that I constantly learn from. I find validation of my entrepreneurial perspective and acceptance of my thought processes. I like the give and take I find in the NANOE community. I am honored to be part of NANOE.

NANOE credentials are highly regarded. The materials you study present a research and evidence-based model. Taken together, the three certifications show you how to develop a complete nonprofit organizational system that scales your nonprofit’s mission and impact in ways you have only dreamed of before.

An added benefit is that NANOE promotes regular conferences explaining the Major Gifts Ramp-Up model, a practical outgrowth of their research. I am lucky to be one of the faculty members involved in these conferences. The people you meet are wonderful. The NANOE organization attracts cutting-edge thought leaders whom you get to interact with. Exciting and invigorating, for sure.
Obtaining NANOE certification has many rewards. I am thankful to have the NANOE certifications that I do.


9. NANOE Certifications Give Credibility

Being a Certified Nonprofit Executive, Development Executive, and Nonprofit Consultant shows that you are a master in the fields nonprofit leadership, fundraising, and advising. The tests are rigorous. And certifications are highly valued. My NANOE certifications show my clients and colleagues that I am a well-rounded nonprofit professional, competent in all areas of nonprofit capacity building work.

8. Preparing for Certification Improves Skills

By studying for certifications and taking the tests, you enhance your learning. The process gets you into the materials and thinking in a new way. NANOE certifications promote innovative ideas, They introduce you to a different perspective to achieve optimal nonprofit organizational functioning. They show you what it takes for you to succeed in changing the world on a large scale.

7. NANOE Preparation Materials are a Valuable Resource

Even after certification, the materials you study are valuable. They are a ready reference for you in your work. They have been for me. Once you download the resources, you can go back to the empirical facts and review the details of what you have learned. I find the information helpful to me every day. My clients find it helpful too.

6. NANOE Certifications are Research Based

The materials you study for the NANOE certifications are based on research conducted by Clemson University, an accredited and highly esteemed institution of higher learning. The information is evidence-based with empirical findings. Those credentials hold weight with me.


5. NANOE Materials Teach You How to Grow Your Nonprofit

Organization development and capacity building are the core components of growth. NANOE materials show you how you can scale your nonprofit’s impact, encompassing both mission and finances. You are exposed to information that begs to be put into practice. The teachings balance the dual needs for money and services in a non-traditional way, one that results in scaling your nonprofit’s impact to heights you have only dreamed of.

4. NANOE Materials are Cutting Edge

NANOE research points to innovation in fundraising. The research shows what works in today’s world, and what doesn’t. The material is eye-opening. NANOE recommendations are based on solid business principles, an area in which many nonprofit professionals are unschooled. You are exposed to cutting-edge research. It is exciting to be at the forefront of innovation and share ideas with premiere industry thought leaders.

3. The NANOE Perspective is Comprehensive

The organizational system NANOE describes is comprehensive in scope. When you study for the different certifications, you get a well-rounded view of how an impactful nonprofit works. The materials cover the functions of nonprofit management, governance, executive leadership, and revenue generation. You see how all these areas optimally fit together to achieve maximum impact in addressing the world’s most pressing problems.

2. The NANOE Perspective is Donor Centric

The NANOE perspective, based on research and empirical evidence, is donor centric. You must prioritize donors. The emphasis on donor care is evident throughout all the certification materials. NANOE certification affirms my experience that donor relationships, not transactions, are central to raising money. The NANOE materials clarified the concepts I have long held dear.

1. NANOE Research Results in Practical Application

Major Gifts Ramp-Up is a practical outgrowth of NANOE research. I like the integrity of the Major Gifts Ramp-Up model. Although you do not need to have adopted the model to pursue NANOE certifications, Major Gifts Ramp-Up lets you apply the research immediately. And its been shown to work at nonprofits of all sizes at different stages of their life cycle. Major Gifts Ramp-Up meets my need for real-world applicability of academia.

NANOE Credentials – 10 Reasons Why Nonprofit Practitioners Love Them

Finally, NANOE is the only nationwide membership organization in the U.S. for Executives seeking credentials in the art of nonprofit capacity-building. Practitioners who hold a prestigious NANOE credential are “best practice” experts who grow charitable enterprise and discover new ways to advance the common good.

NANOE’s three capacity-building training certifications are based on industry insider knowledge, university research, and a love for serving humanity. Each credential compliments the other ensuring CEOs, CFOs, COOs & CDOs organization-wide are equipped with progressive capacity building practices that drive new growth.

Members who maintain their annual NANOE membership maintain their CNE, CDE, or CNC credential with no cumbersome or expensive recertification processes.


Certified Nonprofit Executive (CNE)
Striking the balance between managing volunteer board members, administrators, front-line staff, programs, finance and fundraising presents nonprofit managers with the complex and perfect storm of corporate oversight. Practitioners who hold CNE learn new ways to prioritize capacity-building that ensures they weather the tumultuous seasons of nonprofit administration. Certified Nonprofit Executives become the capacity-building expert CEOs, CFOs, COOs & CDOs a charitable enterprise needs to expand its mission!

Certified Development Executive (CDE)
Many fundraisers come to the nonprofit sector with great intentions to advance a charity’s mission without having correctly answered the question, “who is our customer?” Executives mistakenly think that the rain forest, the student, the homeless or a family-in-need are their customers and therein lies the difficulty. Individuals you serve are not your customers because they have no money. Certified Development Executives are expert at understanding who their true customer is and are equipped with new best practices that ensure they create life-long partnerships with new friends who financially invest in your mission.

Certified Nonprofit Consultant (CNC)
During our careers, at one point or another, many of us wonder if we could be trusted to share our expertise with others in a way that produces personal income. The truth is, successful consulting is more than sharing your experience…it’s a coveted lifestyle with multiple dimensions. First, you need to be an expert in particular area of nonprofit management. Second, you must learn how to disseminate your knowledge using the consulting arts. Third, you must build a sustainable business enterprise that consistently generates opportunities to serve. Practitioners who hold the CNC credential are nationally qualified experts who labor alongside nonprofits providing the organizations they serve “big wins!”

In closing, allow me to personally invited you to join me! Let’s ensure you are credentialed ASAP!


About the author:  During Joanne’s 30+ years working in the nonprofit arena, she has held positions from volunteer to executive director. Integrating fundraising with strategic planning, marketing, operations, and financial systems, she builds up organizational revenue streams, creating sustainable funding structures. She specializes in helping nonprofits improve their ROI and realize continuous net surpluses. She currently provides consulting services, multi-module online courses with private coaching, person-to-person fundraising advice, annual summits, virtual get-togethers, and weekly newsletters. She can be reached at [email protected] or through her website www.joanneoppeltcourses.com.

NANOE Credentials – 10 Reasons Why Nonprofit Practitioners Love Them was first posted at INSIDE CHARITY

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Jimmy LaRose
Jimmy LaRose
Jimmy LaRose’s passion for “people who give” has inspired philanthropists around the world to change the way they invest in nonprofits. His belief that donors are uniquely positioned to give charities what they truly need – leadership rather than money – is the basis for his work with individuals, governments, corporations and foundations, in the U.S., Europe, Asia & Middle East. Jimmy, in his role as author, speaker, corporate CEO & nonprofit CEO champions all of civil society’s vital causes by facilitating acts of benevolence that bring healing to humanity and advance our common good. He and his beautiful wife Kristi are citizens of the Palmetto State where they make their home in Lexington, South Carolina.

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