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Good Finds For Nonprofits: Bonjoro

Each week we’ll bring you a new resource that we think could revolutionize the nonprofit sector—or at least your workweek. It may be an app, platform, podcast, or product that will help you do more good. This time, we’re looking at Bonjoro, a video messaging app.


“Bonjoro!” More than a greeting, this email video platform provides a new level of engagement for donors. Bonjoro lets you create and send video messages to welcome, thank, and connect with your audience on a whole new level. In fact, saying “hello” by another method has never been quite as sweet, or as personal. 

BonjoroAfter more than a year of pandemic isolation, we’ll never take coffee chat with a donor for granted again. There is something distinctly different about talking to someone versus writing to someone. Perhaps it’s because message templates, typos, and copy/paste sentiments are commonplace, or perhaps it’s that we’re all inundated with email. Knowing someone took time to record a video for you is pretty significant, and that is what Bonjoro helps nonprofits do. 


With an average open rate of 70%, Bonjoro messages are the potent antidote to digital fatigue. It’s apparent from the data that donors—quite literally—want to hear from the causes they support. Check out the testimonials on their website here (our favorite is from the YMCA). 

What We Love:

  • This is an innovative way to stand out from the crowd while providing supporters a warm and personal connection point.
  • The technology is spot-on. Easy integrations, a browser extension for Chrome, and no downloads necessary. Plus, you can retake your video as many times as needed and select the best frame for the thumbnail image. 
  • It seconds as a management tool. If you use a CRM (or, even if you don’t), you can set up tasks based on automations or manually enter them to ensure you’re making a meaningful connection with clients, donors, or whoever you need to be connecting with. 
  • Storytelling comes to life. Sending printed material or email attachments is often a hit or miss proposition. Bonjoro’s open-rate trumps that of its more stationary communication counterparts. Plus, a story is always told best by the people who are experiencing it. Video email is a great way to bring your stories to life by the team members who are working in your cause everyday. 

Tip for Success: Cultivate within your capacity.

Cultivating small to midsize donors is often challenging if you don’t have the team capacity to court every new supporter personally. Bonjoro is a great tool to make introductions and put a face to your cause without the need to schedule a block of time out of the office or set up a special meeting. It helps you and your organization operate within your capacity while gaining trust and building lasting relationships. 

The Deal for Do-Gooders:

Bonjoro now offers a 14-day free trial! Simply click this link and start making your engaging videos today. 

Nonprofit Hub’s endorsement of Bonjoro and all Good Finds is completely independent. No sponsorship or financial incentive was provided for this post. We work hard to find the best products, resources and deals to help nonprofit pros! What tools have you found to do more good? Share your best finds here and we’ll give you a shout-out if they’re selected to be featured.

The post Good Finds For Nonprofits: Bonjoro appeared first on Nonprofit Hub.

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