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Major Gifts Ramp-Up Virtual Fundraising – Charities Are Finally Receiving the Millions They Need During COVID-19

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Virtual Fundraising celebrates National Development Institute’s success in raising millions of dollars for charities during COVID-19. Here’s what Jimmy LaRose, creator of the Major Gifts Ramp-Up Model has to share about their dramatic transition to virtual fundraising:

We are now living through what is likely the greatest adaptive leadership challenge facing the world; this is not a mere blip, many things have already changed and will be changed forever. Our work in supporting charitable leaders to develop the mindsets, skills and resilience needed to look forward positively and courageously and to lead the creation of a better future, has never been more important.

Like everyone,  we had to move quickly to adapt our fundraising model to the rapidly evolving circumstances in which we find ourselves. We are excited about the many opportunities opening up for all of us to think, work and collaborate in radically differently ways. It is a positive choice we can all make to explore, learn and innovate not only to work through the present challenges, but to create valuable new ways of working and connecting for the future.

“Major Gifts Ramp-Up Virtual 2-Day Conference was the single greatest live online event I’ve attended since the pandemic. The collaboration was spectacular!”  ~ Maxie Carpenter, Center for Nonprofits

With this in mind, we’ve decided to move our training programs to a virtual delivery; this naturally involves rethinking and redesigning components to maintain the depth and richness of the fundraising experience, and the high quality of outcomes for our program participants. We are thrilled to have received positive and enthusiastic feedback from our clients and we’re grateful for the wonderful generosity of spirit that has been shown as we explore new ways of working together. With so many people working remotely our programs are providing invaluable opportunities for people to stay connected, engaged and positive about the future.


Major Gifts Ramp-Up Virtual Fundraising

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Virtual Fundraising – Receive The Millions You Need

Don’t let physical distancing stop you from being the charitable leader you want to be. In fact, it’s now more important than ever to take that next step and develop the skills that will set you up to lead through the current situation and into the future. Major Gifts Ramp-Up is running virtually. Same great leadership tools and insights, and a network of other leaders like you to share the journey – all with an extra focus on those tools that fundraisers need right now, like resilience and leading through disruption.

Calamities and major downturns in the economy occur every decade. While COVID-19 is unique, what’s not unique is how to make it through a crisis. In order for your charity to navigate these unprecedented times and be stronger in the future join us for Major Gifts Ramp-Up. As it turns out Major Gifts Fundraising is more important than ever and will be the single greatest revenue generator your organization can rely on during uncertain times. We’ve raised millions over the last ninety days for charities across the spectrum.

“Major Gifts Ramp-Up Saved our Nonprofit from COVID-19. We’ve been privileged to turn down PPP & EIDL so other nonprofits could access the funds they need to make it through the pandemic.” ~ Brent Bohanan, Habitat for Humanity

Simply put, money is oxygen. Without it you can’t breathe. Is your organization on life support? Are you receiving the air you need to survive the social and economic crisis we’re now facing? If you’re a nonprofit executive board member, development officer, pastor, volunteer or marketing director it’s time for you to RE-IMAGINE PHILANTHROPY in ways that transform both you and your important mission.

If you’re ready to flourish before, during and after COVID-19 Major Gifts Ramp-Up is the answer. Learn how to use your existing staff and resources to grow your organization by simply changing the way you function each day. Go from business as usual to fully funded revenues streams that will not only raise money for your immediate needs, but will install a permanent culture of philanthropy within your nonprofit. Here’s what needs to be in place.

1. At least six months operating cash reserves.
2. An unrestricted endowment comprised of at least $500,000.
3. Ongoing, deep relationships with at least 100 major donors.
4. An agile Board made up of only five to seven experts.
5. A robust Case for Support that describes a heroic mission of scale to impact your community.
6. A five year plan for growing impact and revenue.


Following the Great Recession of 2008, the founders of NANOE conducted a study of 485 nonprofits that received capacity building grants during the recession. Only 15% of these organization were able to leverage that funding to grow their impact and revenue.

When we studied those 15% who were successful, we learned the following:

1. They built more capacity over a five year period than those nonprofits who indicated they stagnated or declined during the same time period.
2. They grew budget, programs & donors, despite the recession.
3. They grew their nonprofits regardless of the size/involvement of their board.
4. They externalized their mission for the purpose of fundraising.
5. They developed board members who evaluated the chief executive and promoted the goals and values of the CEO.

What was the common factor in the success of these nonprofits? A strong CEO or Executive Director who planned for the future and viewed fundraising as a top priority. Strong leaders understand that philanthropy is essential for your nonprofit’s success and that 80% of philanthropy in the U.S. is from individuals and families.

Don’t let anyone tell you now is not the time to fund raise. Don’t let anyone tell you things have to stay the same. Don’t let a few panicked Board members hijack your nonprofit’s future. The future of your organization will be determined by your strong staff leadership (not by your Board or political leaders). Now is the time to act!

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Live is not nonprofit management 101! Meet the fundraising veterans who’ve raised millions. Join us to learn how you can build the financial capacity you need to secure your future. This virtual event will challenge everything you believe about the raising of money, and will make five, six and seven figure major gifts available to your nonprofit in the shortest period of time possible.

Over 17,000 nonprofit executives from across the U.S. have already attended. THEY LOVE THESE EVENTS (and so do their boards!) Why? Because this fast-paced and provocative training have been customized for the audience in attendance. Prepare to hear the truth in ways you’ve never experienced before. You’ll learn from the masters who defied convention and challenged the false thinking that keeps charities broke.

“I’ve spent the last week receiving email messages, phone calls and personal visits thanking me for bringing Major Gifts Ramp-Up to our community. This spectacular 2-day capacity-building conference was daring, confrontational and exactly what our organizations needed in the way of training. Conventional methods of management and fundraising were challenged with humor and insight. Their expert faculty engaged our grantees and inspired them to grow revenues in new ways that work. Prepare for significant change if you give yourself this gift.” ~ Pamela Ballard, Community Service Council

Here’s your list of upcoming Nationwide Major Gifts Ramp-Up Events.

OCT 14 2020 – OCT 15 2020, (9AM-4PM)

OCT 20 2020 – OCT 21 2020, (9AM-4PM)

OCT 28 2020 – OCT 29 2020, (9AM-4PM)

NOV 10 2020 – NOV 11 2020, (9AM-4PM)

DEC 02 2020 – DEC 03 2020, (9AM-4PM)

FEB 02 2021 – FEB 03 2021, (9AM-4PM)

FEB 17 2021 – FEB 18 2021, (9AM-4PM)

MAR 02 2021 – MAR 03 2021, (9AM-4PM)

MAR 16 2021 – MAR 17 2021, (9AM-4PM)

MAR 31 2021 – APR 01 2021, (9AM-4PM)

MAY 04 2021 – MAY 05 2021, (9AM-4PM)

Who should attend? If you’re a CEO, CFO, COO, CDO, Executive Director, Development Director, Staff Member, Board Member, Pastor, Trustee or Volunteer responsible for the financial health of a nonprofit, ministry or church then you’ll want to make sure you bring as many people as possible to this training.

Tuition for a quality capacity-building conference could cost up to $700 per guest. We’re thrilled to share that a group of major donors have underwritten this event allowing us to offer tuition for ONE PERSON at $148 or UNLIMITED REGISTRATIONS for only $298.

That’s right, every member of your team can come for only $298. Please register today. This event will reach capacity soon.


Are these scary times? Yes. Does the future seem uncertain? Yes. But we know from history that organizations who use difficult times as opportunities for change emerge on the other side resilient, stronger, and ahead of their competitors. Major Gifts Ramp-Up will give you the tools you need to adapt, change and grow your nonprofit.

We believe in you. We know that there are funds available to ensure your sustainability. Let us show you how to access them ASAP. I look forward to meeting you personally. Until then I remain,

Jimmy LaRose

Founder, National Development Institute

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Virtual Fundraising – Receive The Millions You Need was first posted at INSIDE CHARITY

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Gabe Lowe
Gabe Lowe
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