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Major Gifts Ramp-Up Featured On Live TV

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Featured Live on Morning Coffee is Inside Charity’s take on the fundraising model that’s transformed nonprofits around the world. Jimmy LaRose, the architect of the Major Gifts Ramp-Up™ Model was featured this week on Morning Coffee’s live TV broadcast in Philadelphia with fundraising expert Stefanie Stark. Jimmy and Stefanie shared numerous examples of financial successes charities enjoy when they deploy the Major Gifts Ramp-Up Model (MGRU).

Press the “play button” on the video above to see the interview that’s inspiring nonprofit administrators to raise millions.

During the interview Jimmy LaRose revealed, “MGRU is used to meet the needs of a nonprofit’s primary customers…the advocates, donors and volunteers who financially underwrite their charity’s mission!” He’s the founder of National Development Institute™, a 501(c)3 charity established in 1990 that trains executives who use the Major Gifts Ramp-Up™ Program.


What Do Donors Have To Say About Major Gifts Ramp-Up?

“Two words…AMAZING EXPERIENCE.  Missouri’s Major Gifts Ramp-Up Event was provocative and pushed our agency directors to ‘re-imagine’ their roles as CEOs!  (I’ve received only positive comments from those who attended.)  NDI challenged us to see charity through a new lens and then gave us the tools we needed to change. Our own United Way staff were inspired and are now poised for unprecedented campaign success. If you believe in nonprofit capacity-building than this program is for you.”  – Debbie Meeds, Grantmaking CEO, Springfield, MI

“Having served nonprofits for the past 40 years, I thought I’d seen everything! Then I attended Major Gifts Ramp-Up New York and experienced Jimmy LaRose’s brilliant performance before hundreds of nonprofit executives. His unbounded enthusiasm, comic timing, exceptional sense of theater and insights into nonprofit management will change the way you view yourself and the raising of big gifts. This conference is a must-see, especially for those who think they’ve seen it all!” – Deborah Bowie, Grantmaking CEO, Gainesville, FL

“I’ve spent the last week receiving email messages, phone calls and personal visits thanking me for bringing Major Gifts Ramp-Up to the Gulf Coast. Our agencies LOVED IT! This spectacular 2-day capacity-building conference was daring, confrontational and exactly what our organizations needed in the way of training.  Conventional methods of management and fundraising were challenged with humor and insight. Their expert faculty engaged our grantees and inspired them to grow revenues in new ways that work.  Prepare for significant change if you give your community the gift of Major Gifts Ramp-Up. Feel free to call me with your questions!” – Cliff Grimes, Grantmaking CEO, Mobile, AL

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Featured Live on Morning Coffee

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Featured Live on Morning Coffee

Did you know that THOUSANDS OF MILLIONAIRE DONORS live in your community?  Major Gifts Ramp-Up will show you how you can reach these donors who already believe in your mission but have yet to hear about the important work you do every day.

Here’s some of the “big ideas” you’ll explore at a Major Gifts Ramp-Up Event:

– MONEY IS OXYGEN! Without it you can’t breathe. Financial Capacity-Building is the key.
– FEASIBILITY STUDIES ARE A RACKET. Stop paying in to the scam.
– IT’S NOT ABOUT YOUR BOARDS! Nonprofits succeed because of STRONG CEOs.
– STOP REQUIRING YOUR BOARD TO FUNDRAISE! It’s never worked and never will.
– GET EVERYTHING YOU NEED. More staff, more volunteers, more donors, MORE MONEY!

What happens when you attend a Major Gifts Ramp-Up Event?

-Discover why feasibility studies don’t work and why consultants still insist on selling them
-Stop requiring your board members to fund raise…it’s never worked and never will
-Help major donors accomplish their personal goals by partnering with your nonprofit
-Access the public net worth information of millionaire within your service area
-Learn how to secure the full contact info of every donor who lives in your community
-Comprehend the thirteen steps needed to revitalize a stalled campaign
-Find out how to secure campaign cabinet members who love to ask for the big gift
-Discover the secret of the “Three-Part Ask” and how to use it with propriety and grace
-Learn the five keys to securing major gifts from foundations & corporations
-Begin securing five, six and seven figure gifts from high net worth donors
-Receive a workbook full of major gift strategies that work
-Secure 10hrs of Adult Continuing Education Units for NANOE Credentialing


Who Should Attend?

CEO, CFO, COO, CDO, Executive Director, Development Director, Staff Member, Board Member, Pastor, Trustee or Volunteer responsible for the financial health of a nonprofit, ministry or church.to attend.

MAJOR GIFTS RAMP-UP is different than any other fundraising model you’ve ever experienced. This unique approach to fund development will challenge everything you believe about the raising of money and will make 5, 6 & 7 figure major gifts available to your organization in the shortest period of time possible. Bring your entire team! Spend time with fundraising veterans who’ve raised millions and will inspire your leadership to build financial capacity in ways you’ve never dreamed possible. MAJOR GIFTS RAMP-UP is not nonprofit management 101! NDI’s world renowned faculty will entertain, inspire and test your fundraising acumen (don’t forget to bring as many board members as possible!). These events will ensure you RE-IMAGINE PHILANTHROPY in a way that transforms both you and the organization you serve. Tuition for a conference of this magnitude would normally run upwards of $800 per person. National Development Institute understands that budgets are tight and are making this two-day offering available for only $148 for one person or $298 for UNILIMITED REGISTRATIONS for every member of your team. Seating for this event is limited and will reach capacity shortly. PLEASE REGISTER TODAY!

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Featured Live on Morning Coffee was first posted at INSIDE CHARITY.

For more articles like Major Gifts Ramp-Up Featured Live on Morning Coffee VISIT HERE

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Stefanie Stark
Stefanie Stark
Stefanie has served as a Development & Marketing Officer in transitional housing for homeless women and children. She served as Executive Director of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nonprofit, Children’s Health Defense, a national legal advocacy nonprofit. Stefanie is Secretary of Board for Inside the Vatican Magazine’s nonprofit foundation, Urbi et Orbi Communications, Secretary of the Board for HorsePlay Therapy Center, and President Emeritus for Once a Soldier. She is experienced in nonprofit operations, strategic planning, budget planning, donor engagement, board administration, national advocacy, digital marketing, and chapter development.

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