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January 8, 2020PAAS Rescues 5,000th Dog for Adoption – Kay Stout

PAAS (Peaceful Animal Adoption Shelter, pronounced “paws”) opened on historic Route 66 in Vinita, OK, on April, 2015. PAAS is dedicated to the rescue, temporary care, and adoption of homeless and unwanted cats and dogs. PAAS has created a number of innovative programs to accomplish our mission. Through these programs, PAAS:
Subsidized spay/neuter services for animals belonging to income-qualified pet owners
Conducts out-of- state transport for homeless dogs from Oklahoma municipal shelters
Manages a Trap-Neuter- Release program to control the feral cat population
Provides assistance to Vinita residents who need help caring for their pets through a partnership with the Pets for Life program of the Humane Society of the U.S.
Intervenes in animal hoarding and abuse cases, working with area law enforcement and other rural rescue operations
Works collaboratively with other rescues, shelters, and animal welfare organizations and with our out-of- state adoption partner to make sure that unwanted animals find forever homes.
Maintains a major presence on social media, providing public education about pet overpopulation, responsible pet ownership, and animal welfare.
Here’s Homer’s Story, PAAS 500th Adoption! Homer rode the PAAS Ride to Rescue bus Tuesday evening, Nov 5th. He arrived at the Buddy Center in Castle Rock on Wednesday morning. He was in his new home by Thursday afternoon. This is his story:
Hi!!! My name is Homer. I don’t know what the fuss is all about – – I just know there’s something special about the number 5,000 and I’m the lucky one with that number.
I was homeless and afraid when a person called the Animal Control Office who picked me up and took me to the shelter. Once I got there, they made sure I had food and water and then I waited …. And I waited…. And I waited… for two months.
People would walk by and I’d hear them say, he’s just too big …. He’s too young…. He’s black (huh) what’s wrong with black fur????
Next thing I knew I was headed to the PAAS Ride-to-Rescue place in Vinita, OK. I had a really short wait until these nice guys loaded me on a big bus and off we went to Colorado.
Somewhere in the middle of the night I got to get off the bus at a dog park. Whew!!! That was great.
I’m looking forward to my new home, new parents and new adventures. Everyone says I’m super nice, kinda energetic and need a little training. I’m up for that – – – the training – – I want to be the best PAAS dog ever.
PAAS occupies a key position in an effective network of regional animal welfare organizations. Their programs and operations depend on private donations as well as grants from visionary philanthropic partners including the WaterShed Animal Fund, PetSmart Charities, ASPCA (Rescue Ride program funded by Subaru), the Flint Family Foundation, the Cresap Family Foundation, and others. PAAS is a private non-profit, 501(c)(3), organization which receives no government funds.
Kay Stout is the Executive Director of PAAS (Peaceful Animal Adoption Shelter) in Vinita, Oklahoma. Opened in 2015 as a traditional shelter, today it is a transfer hub that sends homeless dogs from rural Oklahoma shelters to a new home in Colorado through a partnership with Dumb Friends League. More than 5,000 dogs have made the overnight trip. In addition, PAAS provides a spay/neuter clinic and grant sponsored spay/neuter assistance for pet owners in northeast Oklahoma. In 2019, more than 2,500 pets were “fixed” through one of our 9 area veterinarians or our PAAS clinic.
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