February’s Job Report – 313,000 Jobs Boost U.S. Economy – RAISE MONEY NOW – Jimmy LaRose
March 16, 20183 Easy Ways to Cut Nonprofit Costs
March 17, 2018Fundraising Therapy, Part 2—It’s Not About You
If you’re a fundraiser, it’s often helpful to think like a donor.
When leading workshops, I encourage people to flip this mental switch. “How many of you have ever given away money to anybody for any reason at all?” Of course, all the hands go up.
Then I ask people to pair off and talk about why they give. These small groups generate a long list of reasons; here’s one of the most popular. Giving feels good.
I test this with the participants. “How many of you have ever made a charitable gift and felt good about it?” Again, everyone raises their hands.
This leads to another challenging question: Why are we so uncomfortable asking people to do something that makes them feel good when they do it?